I have done a reading from the following decks: Goddess Guidance, - TopicsExpress


I have done a reading from the following decks: Goddess Guidance, Messages From Your Angels and AA Michael. Certainly a very positive reading, promising a Bright Future! 1) Goddess Lakshmi speaks to you of a Bright Future ahead! This is a very kind Universe and it wants you to be happy. There are no tests, blocks or obstacles in your way except your own projections of fear into your future. Take a moment to quieten your mind releasing it from fears and worries. Feel Lakshmi gently brushing your brow with a new energy of hope faith and optimism. These energies fuel your present time as well as all future moments. You have light shining all around you. Step into this brightness by brightening your thoughts and feelings. You must stop worrying, as this anxiety squelches the goodness that seeks to find you! Clear your heart of fear and replace those energies with ones that will serve you and your family instead. REFUSE to think of anything except your bright today and tomorrow and it shall be so! 2) Fiona is very happy that you asked for help from God and the Angels. She appears to ask you to be open to help. Sometimes she watches you struggle with situations that could be easily resolved if you would allow her to help you. She would like you to give her a signal-a prayer or a thought of HELP!-so that she can become involved in the solution. Now you have asked for her help and she is very happy to assist you. In other times you have blocked her from helping you. You believed that you didnt DESERVE any help or that making life changes was too threatening. Notice the strong and repetitious impressions that come to you through your thoughts feelings and visions. They are real messages from God. You are supported by Heaven as you follow your Divine guidance. 3) AA Michael says Believe & Trust.. In order to resolve this situation, you must believe that everything is healed and whole right now. As your Faith grows stronger, the doorway to Divine solutions will open. Your trust enables your mind and body to relax which increases your creative energy and strength.-two qualities that will prove especially helpful to you. Additional meanings to this card are: This situation will have a happy outcome. Positive thinking will bring you your desired outcome more rapidly. Give worries to God and the Angels. Trust the person youre inquiring about. Believe in yourself! Before going to sleep tonight say: AA Michael, please enter my dreams and replace fear with Faith and Trust. Let me be filled with strength, courage and confidence.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 19:39:04 +0000

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