I have done my best, since the creation of this page, to keep all - TopicsExpress


I have done my best, since the creation of this page, to keep all politics out of my postings. With current world events, however, I feel the need to put out my assessment of what we are seeing. The instability we are seeing in various parts of the world right now is a direct result of the pathetic lack of a coherent foreign policy of the Obama administration. Over the last five years, he has weakened our position and reputation in the world to the point where we are seeing events happen that are leading us directly to Armageddon. Russia, as we all know will be a player in the final days has boldly invaded Ukraine and doesn’t care what the rest of the world thinks. Should the United States, or the rest of world, not come up with a strategy that will force Putin back, this has the potential to cause the whole world go up in flames. My assessment is this: Russia/Putin will not suffer any major setbacks as a result of the Ukraine invasion. Quite frankly, Obama is too weak of a President and his Administration has too many idealogs in it to mount any sort of strong reaction to Russia’s aggression that will cause Putin to draw back (if he does, it will only be on his terms), and the rest of the western nations are on the same footing. This will embolden Putin to expand his influence over the former Soviet Bloc even further, to include possibly more invasions, although, if Ukraine falls, many of the others will most like just let themselves be absorbed. The King of the North is being formed. China, in turn will see the lack of any serious consequences for Russia, and will begin to work on doing the same in the Far East, which will create the King of the East as mentioned in prophecy. With the political correctness that has destroyed our strategy in the War on Terror and the added facts that, 1. We are a war weary nation, 2. We have a mounting nation debt that will eventually cause our economy to collapse, and 3. Obama has clearly shown himself to be nothing but talk, as with Syria and Iran, Egypt has realized that they can no longer rely on the United States for any help. They, along with other African/Middle East nations, will begin to look to Russia (some have already started) for assistance, allying themselves with them as Putin will be more than happy to oblige. They will eventually form their own sphere of influence, creating the King of the South. Finally, according to reports, the one nation that Obama has been tough with is Israel, reportedly telling them that they WILL accept peace with the Palestinians creating a second state or else, the else being that the United States will no longer be there for them. The final stage is being set, with events developing faster than anyone ever thought possible, brothers and sisters and barring the Lord delaying the day any further, the world will be seeing the unveiling of the Anti-Christ soon. The world will be so frightened by events that they will happily sell their souls for peace, which sadly will be the actual case. Am I daring to set a date? Never! The Word makes it very clear that no man can know the hour, but we can know the general time period, and based on current events I do believe that we will be seeing the coming of the Lord even sooner then we, as believers, even thought. Come Lord Jesus, come!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 02:27:51 +0000

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