I have finished Chapter 3 of the fan fiction TID and TMI - TopicsExpress


I have finished Chapter 3 of the fan fiction TID and TMI crossover!!!!! I hope you guys enjoy. I think there will be only one more chapter and Ill post in tomorrow. Anyways enjoy! - Lady Bane (If you havent read chapter 1 and chapter 2 here is the link: Chapter1 https://facebook/ladybane/posts/412445988905940 Chapter 2 https://facebook/ShadowhuntersOfTheWorld/posts/732489150176646) Chapter 3: “Oh, what the hell?” Will snapped, “You are telling me this cocky blonde boy is my only living heir. How did that happen?” “Well, I’m not thrilled either,” Jace snapped, “And how am I your descendant? You look like you’re my age.” “Not this again,” Will groaned, “Somehow I went through the Portal in 1888 and ended up here.” “How did that happen?” the red haired girl asked, “Oh and I’m Clary by the way.” “Fairchild or Branwell, right?” Will asked her and she looked at him in shock, “It’s the hair. One of my friends, Henry Branwell, has the same shade of red.” “Oh,” Clary tucked her hair behind her ears, “So what happened?” “I’m not sure,” Will shrugged, “Look, we’ve answered the same questions over and over again, and, until Magnus returns, we won’t have any answers.” “Will is right,” Alec said quietly, “Let’s just make him comfortable until Magnus gets back.” “I still don’t see any similarities,” Jace looked Will up and down, “We are nothing alike.” Alec chuckled, “Oh please, you two are so much alike.” “No, we aren’t,” Will and Jace said at the exact same time and glared at each other. “You guys are pretty similar,” Simon piped in, “Same stance, same arrogant smile, and same huge ego.” “I bet you guys even like the same things,” Isabelle added, “What’s your favorite thing to do?” she asked the two of them. “Fighting demons,” Jace answered. “Reading,” Will answered. “Fine,” Isabelle asked again, “What’s your favorite color?” “Black,” Jace answered and crossed his arms. “Mauve,” Will answered at the same time. “What’s your biggest fear?” Simon asked. “Ducks,” they said at the exact same time and stared at each other. There was a moment where everyone just looked around at each other in silence, and then Clary began to giggle. Suddenly everyone besides Jace and Will were laughing along with Clary as the Herondale boys just shook their heads. “Bloodthirsty little beasts,” Will mumbled. “Well, we have one thing in common,” Jace groaned in embarrassment. “It must be a Herondale gene,” Isabelle giggled, “Good looks, great fighting skills, and an irrational fear of ducks.” “I would hardly say it irrational,” Will explained, “One time I went to Hyde Park with my parabatai and we fed the ducks poultry pies. Little bastards ate all of it. Never trust a duck.” “I couldn’t agree more,” Jace added, “They have always just freaked me out.” Clary shook her head and giggled, but leaned in and gave Jace a quick kiss. “Where can I find some ducks?” Simon mumbled to himself. “Come on, guys,” Alec broke up the laughter, “We should probably get Will something to eat.” “Oh I can make something!” Isabelle said excitedly. “Thank you, that would be…” Will started but Jace interrupted. “Izzy, we don’t want to poison him!” Jace announced, “Alec could bake us a pie.” Everyone, but Alec who was making a sullen face at Jace, began to laugh at the inside joke. Will just stood there and shrugged at Alec in sympathy. “I’ll go pick up something from Taki’s,” Simon said as everyone finished laughing. “Thanks Simon,” Isabelle said, leaning in and giving Simon a kiss on the cheek. “We’ll give Will a tour of the institute while you’re gone,” Alec walked forward and motioned for Will to follow. The group walked through the many halls of the institute and showed Will around for about a half an hour. By the time Simon returned with food, they were all pretty hungry. They sat around the table and the conversation started again. “So,” Will started, “How did you all meet and become friends? Did you meet at the Academy?” The rest of the group shared a collective look and Jace decided to speak, “Well, it’s a pretty long and confusing story.” “I have time,” Will said and put his feet up on the table, “Go ahead.” Around an hour later, Jace, Clary, Simon, Alec, and Isabelle had given Will a short summary of the events of the last few years, the Mortal War, Valentine, and Sebastian. By the end, Will looked even more confused than before. “So, let me get this straight,” Will said with uncertainty, “You,” he pointed to Clary, “Thought you were a mundane because your father was Valentine, some evil man, and your mother hid you from him. But when you learned you were a Shadowhunter you thought Jace was your long lost brother. But he wasn’t, and your real brother was part demon and he possessed Jace for a while, then Jace got the heavenly fire inside of him. But somehow, everything turned out basically fine.” “I guess you can put it that way,” Clary shrugged. “And you,” Will pointed to Jace, “You took basically every surname other than Herondale. Wayland, Morgenstern, Lightworm, and then finally, the best, Herondale.” “Hey,” Jace rolled his eyes, “Be happy I picked Herondale in the end.” “Be happy I haven’t slapped you for almost picking Lightwood over Herondale,” Will raised his eyebrow and smirked. “So, it was the Lightwoods, Fairchilds, and Herondales together again. Where have I seen that before?” he laughed but it quickly faded, “All you would have needed was a Carstairs and it would have been just like my friends.” “What happened in your time?” Clary asked, “What were your friends like?” A shadow of sadness seemed to pass over Will’s face before he spoke, “My friends… well there was Henry Branwell, the best and worst inventor of our time, and Charlotte Fairchild, the bravest Consul there has ever been. My sister Cecily is going to marry Gabriel Lightwood soon. And his brother Gideon is married to Sophie Collins. And then… well then there is Tessa and Jem…” “Sorry to cut you off,” Alec interrupted, “But Magnus just texted me. He said he has some people who can help but he has to inspect the Portal to see what he can do. He will be here soon.” Suddenly the doorbell of the institute began rapidly ringing, “Or now.” Will hopped up from the table and followed the rest of the group down the hallway and to the main doors. Alec opened the doors and Magnus raced inside. “I called her to see if she remembered what happened but she demanded to come and see,” Magnus said quickly, “I advised her not to but… well she never did listen to anyone.” “Whom are you talking about?” Alec asked as he started to close the door but a hand reached out from the outside and caught the door. Alec pulled the door open all the way and two people walked inside. They were a woman and a man, probably in their early twenties, holding hands. They look about as panicked and excited as Magnus was. Their eyes scanned the room back and forth until they fell on Will. The minute he saw the woman he knew who she was, he would never, could never, forget her. The gentle waving of her hair, the curves of her body, the sweet color of her lips, they were all imprinted in his mind. Even though she worn tight fitting modern day clothes, he recognized her immediately. But when his eyes moved over to the person whose hand she was holding, it took him a moment. He looked at the man’s black hair that grew until his forehead and the little scars on his cheeks right under his dark brown eyes. For a moment, Will could not recognize this man, until he saw the streak of silver in the mists of the man’s black hair. Memories poured into Will’s mind, silver hair, silver eyes, coughing up blood, the yin fen, training with him, fighting besides him, watching his heart break when Tessa was taken, leaving him on his death bed, feeling the parabatai bond breaking, and then the hope and pain of seeing him as a Silent Brother. Will’s eyes drifted to the paling parabatai rune on the man and his heart skipped a beat. “Tessa,” Will said with surprise and joy as he looked between the two of them, “James.”
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 04:24:11 +0000

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