I have found that in my time spent here on this so called Earth I - TopicsExpress


I have found that in my time spent here on this so called Earth I have encountered things that my biology has argued to disagree with. And I have found through experimentation of intellectual resource that my biology does indeed disagree with these things. These things I speak of are the things in which you worry about. The things in which you cry and crumble, and mistreat yourself, and mistreat others with. Ultimately its misunderstanding. But, its a type of misunderstanding that dwells within the cosmic make up of who you are as a person... And, 99% of the time, its because of pride. My entire life Ive felt an extreme spiritual presence guiding me through all my encounters, teaching me the most important lessons I believe existence in general has to offer. The most important one we can all benefit from is compassion. And the funny part about it is that I didnt have to learn that, I feel like it was just born in me. (It was born in you too) No matter what you believe in, do, or say... If you arent living with passion or compassion towards anything, you can bet that later on in life youre going to have some regrets. May it be confusion, unresolved dissonance, or just being unhappy with your current situation. The word love is incredibly misconstrued in my opinion. Sure, people love each other... But, do they also respect their freedom to love unconditionally? And to receive that love unconditionally? What I mean by that is... Dont take people around you ever for granted. Meaning... Take the time to understand the depth of any situation, because when you dont all that happens is that it creates further chaos in which the world continues to let itself thrive upon. Just because someone you think you might love is experiencing a different reality than you does not give you the right to disregard their feelings in the name of love. Take everything into account. Think about it like this... Were all human beings. But, more often that not people continue to treat each other like animals. With no regard for a TRULY deeper, and more intense philosophical understanding of what were made of and how we all came to be... And in how certain situations arise. Theres things in life that enable dissonant influx to take place. ... And most of the time, it seems as if no one cares to pay attention to them... In order to create balance, purpose, and a better way of living, we have to dissect the anomaly, and treat it with love and understanding. The truth that separates us from animals, is our ability to perceive that difference in the first place. We are alive and all constantly evolving, yet it seems that because of selfishness there is a primal disconnect with the truth of what reality has to offer. Theres no reason for you to be sad. Especially if you are able to read this right now... You have a device giving you access to unlimited information... Feel lucky. Be lucky. Make your self lucky. To me, this sort of unawareness is the biggest problem we all have to face. If ignored... It is what is going to bring us into the age of computerization of biological process, giving its will to be manipulated under control of an elite system that has no care for your intellectual well being or freedom. Why? Because of greed. In case you forgot, greed has systematically taken control of your every move. If you think youre free... Then, answer me this... Why does money dictate your every action within society? Sure we all possess the ability to think free, and move forward, progress and choose whatever we want to do... ESPECIALLY in this country. We can make our wildest dreams come true just from using our thought to project us into action. All I am saying is dont let external issues constrict your ability to see beyond the illusion of money, pride, conceit, failure, hatred, FEAR, and force you to become unloving, or misunderstanding, or to even be deemed that by anyone. You know whats happening all around the world right now. Take action. Do something. Love YOURSELF! Love EVERYONE! Right your wrongs. And most important of all... Have no fear.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 00:14:07 +0000

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