I have friends from over seas who come to America who say the same - TopicsExpress


I have friends from over seas who come to America who say the same thing. Although Arabs are not seen as white in American and European society they are classified as white on paper when they come to America. Even the very dark ones who are much darker than me. Not just Arabs but people from North African decent regardless if they are jet black on paper become white. I was told that by my mother which was confirmed by a Moroccan friend who was classified as white on paper even though she said she was not white and did not look white. This is done for two reasons, to downplay black civilization and to embellish Caucasian influence and numbers in the world. Lies are the great big neutralizer for the baby race to this planet. They go around claiming the identities of others to give themselves a tangible place in the world. This is not racism on my part because they admit what they do on paper. So obsessed with which box to check as a means to passively rewrite history. I will never forget a white guy that came up to me one day when I was in Harlem, as I was leaving a train. This all happened in the matter of maybe two minutes. I was wearing a beautiful head tie and simple African clothing. He asked where I was from. He thought I was from Ethiopia or Egypt he said. I said in blood but not in birth place. He then said that I was beautiful and looked just like people from that region. He said that they look the way we do because we started off as white and you can tell by some of their features. I responded, we fought against oppression and evasions for a long time well up to the 19 century as Europe made a scramble for Africa. White is derived from black, not the other way around, so I told him to take his white supremacy elsewhere that he hid in the form of a disrespectful compliment. Here I was minding my own business but he wanted to indoctrinate this seemingly gullible African he did not know from anywhere due to my dress and features. After I told him, we fought against so much invasions, rape and proof of who we truly are is spread upon the planet. He then said yeah that is true too and race does not matter. He was the one that just brought it up. I was happy that a couple black men that I did not know who were nearby heard this and shut it down for me. I did not have to say anything else from there. You should have seen the look on his face when black people who did not know each other were united in facts to send him and his misinformation away. The world cant sleep forever. To give you an idea about the white lie look it up online and legal definitions. Here is one quick reference… en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caucasian_race Caucasian race (also Caucasoid[1] or Europid[2]) is the general physical type of some or all of the populations of Europe, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, Western Asia, Central Asia and South Asia.[3] The term was used in biological anthropology for many people from these regions, without regard necessarily to skin tone.[4] First introduced in early racial science and anthropometry, the taxon has historically been used to denote one of the proposed major races of humankind.[5] Although its validity and utility is disputed by many anthropologists, Caucasoid as a biological classification remains in use,[6] particularly within the field of forensic anthropology.[5]
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 01:50:01 +0000

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