I have genuine question about Tribe coaches that is not meant to - TopicsExpress


I have genuine question about Tribe coaches that is not meant to cause offence nor create ill feeling in the slightest. Ok so here goes.. What part of the AIM2 prepares or gives people the skill set required to analyse, process and feedback in an appropriate manner for the individual being coached? I imagine this is often complex, personal or difficult information regarding how to be a better instructor? I dont ask this as a criticism but just ask for clarification. As I understand the AMI2 is about your own presentation and connection and is delivered by our training team who themselves have had and continue to have training on how to train and deliver feedback. I am sure whatever profession we all choose that we strive to be the best we can be. With this in mind we often have focussed and specific training to either build on strengths or reduce weaknesses (as well as many other drivers). So I guess the question boils down to what qualifies a Tribe coach to give feedback? If it is attending the AIM2 and going through the process then any Advanced instructor (or anyone who has attended AIM2 for that matter), could also be a Tribe coach..if it is an Elite status (in any given program) then how has the training and skill set of that Elite level instructor differed from that given to an Advanced instructor....being able to do something doesnt always mean you can teach others how to do it.... Filming and re-filming tracks until you reach the required criteria doesnt seem to instil any skills, experience or ability to coach others! As a secondary question are Tribe Coaches only able to offer coaching in the program they are Elite status certified in? Thanks for any info ....lights blue touch paper and retreats to safe distance....
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 18:50:03 +0000

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