I have given them THY WORD; and the world hath hated them, because - TopicsExpress


I have given them THY WORD; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world Jhn 17:14 There is a very dark and dangerous assault taking place upon the church; by some, who are within the church, herself! It is a devilish, direct attack against the Word of God! Im sure, most of you have heard their updated, cultural catch phrases! In essence, heres what theyre truly saying to God! THY WORD is too churchy! THY WORD is too old fashioned! THY WORD is too religious! THY WORD is too boring! THY WORD is too hard, too strict, too intrusive! THY WORD is no longer relevant; this 2015! Listen closely to their anti-righteous rhetoric! Times have changed! The laws have change! People are different! You know, it takes different strokes for different folks, nowadays! But, heres the TRUTH! THY WORD is TRUE from the BEGINNING: and EVERY ONE of Thy RIGHTEOUS judgments endures FOREVER Ps. 119:160 So, hear this Dr. Phil! Your words are not spirit! Your words are not life! Hear this Dr. Oz! Your counsel cant be compared to that of the Holy Spirit! Hear this Mrs. Goose Bump Genie! Not one word in your #1 best seller can create a new heart; destroy a yoke; or set a captive free! Hear this Mr. New Age Apostle! Nary a one of your positive thinking programs, can renew a soul, or regenerate a spirit! Heres the TRUTH! ..I can answer those who taunt me, for I TRUST in THY WORD Ps. 119:42 Order my steps in THY WORD... Ps. 119:133 So, all you haters out there; who say His Word (THY WORD) is too old fashioned, too religious, too strict, no longer relevant; and too churchy; dont include me in such foolish talk! For this servant agrees with David, THY WORD is very PURE: therefore Thy servant LOVES IT Ps. 119:140 Heres the TRUTH! For ever, O Lord, THY WORD is SETTLED in heaven Ps. 119:89 Oh, to stand before my Savior and be able to say, in TRUTH,,, I have given them THY WORD... Amen!
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 01:45:41 +0000

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