I have gone down four dress sizes in the past seven months and now - TopicsExpress


I have gone down four dress sizes in the past seven months and now I am going to share the diet that is so easy to do and that really works. My daughter are joking and saying that I will soon be borrowing their clothes. Firstly, I must give credit to my dear friend Jia who taught me how to loose weight successfully and to the Lord who gave me the grace. DRINK; 8-12 cups of green tea or yerba mate tea each day. To avoid overstimulation from caffeine I dilute one bag into 5-6 cups of water. I prefer using yerba mate because it has 300 times more anti-oxidents than green tea. You can pick it up in your local health food store. The green tea or yerba mate tea have three functions: Firstly, they boost the metabolism and burns off fat. Secondly, toxins in the body are stored in the fat cells so the tea flushes out the toxins as you loose weight. Thirdly, it boost the immune system. I drink tea all day long and stop around 8 p.m. so that the caffeine does not keep me awake at night. EAT; breakfast every day. Generally, I will have oats with coconut flakes, cinnamon, strawberries, blueberries, and half of a banana with a drizzle of chia seeds for extra energy. Eggs. cheese, a protein filled fruit smoothie are other alternatives. DO EAT PROTEIN twice a day and have abundant salads and fresh vegetables. DO NOT OVER EXERCISE while you are trying to loose pounds. A half hour walk or work out is sufficient. The body needs energy to loose weight. If you exercise to much while you are in the loosing stage it will slow down the weight loss and add muscle mass which is heavier than fat. Tone after you have reached your desired weight. WEIGH yourself every morning, before drinking or eating. The most effective way to get an accurate weight is to do sp naked and before you shower. We absorb liquid in our bodies when we bathe which can alter the reading. So to get an accurate reading do it before you step into the shower or bath. Get a scale that shows pounds and ounces. AVOID WHITE; Sugar, white flour, white rice and white potatoes. Substitute a little brown rice or sweet potatoes and whole grain bread or noodles when you do eat carbs. AIM to have six small meals a day. The idea is not to ever get hungry. A meal can be a hand full of nuts or a yogurt with some berries. If you have a large lunch or dinner, divide it in half and eat the second half two hours later.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 01:02:54 +0000

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