I have had a couple of dreams the last few nights but havent had - TopicsExpress


I have had a couple of dreams the last few nights but havent had time to post them. Dream 1- I was with my family when came up a few steps. A child about 3-4 yrs old came and laid hands on me as I kneeled down to pray with her. She had black hair with pig tails and bright blue piercing eyes. She said her name was Tracy. She ran over and prayed for my husband, then came back to me and said your children are prophets. Your son will be called soon for work in the field of Gods warriors. He will be a mighty warrior. Your daughter has a gift of discernment and the Lord will use her in pin pointing the His Truth. He will use her in a mighty way. Just then a man from the crowd came and started to speak, his speech was slurred and troubled. The little girl went over and said what you say is wrong. The Lord tells me to tell the Truth. And she quoted scripture, one after another. She had no Bible before her because she was being led by the Lord and the Holy Spirit. Then I woke up. Dream 2- I had a pass key card and was allowed in certain rooms to clean. I was working in a stadium or a autorium. It was a very large are with many chairs and few people who sat in groups being taught scientific stuff. I try walk past them all quietly as not to disrupt them or disturb their learning. I was to go in a clean the surrounding offices. One office I had gone into sucked me down a long spiraling tube and there in a secret room it was full of spiders in laboratory boxes. I climbed back up some stairs to get out and my cleaning rags bumps a box open and runs over to let the others out and run up the stairs as fast as I can go to shut the door. I run up into an elevator. Where I could get away. I could see to floor below me and it was no longer spiders but people running around laying traps for one another. I knew in the dream the Lord will protect me from them. And I woke up. ~~Update: This is a work related thing that the Lord has protected me from the last couple of days. I had this dream on Monday night. And when I returned to work on Tuesday. A can of worms was opened up. Our whole floor was people blaming other people. God has been keeping me from it all. Praise God. ~~Oh the other thing that happened that morning I had gone into the bathroom to go to the bathroom and I felt this sore bump on the back of my leg...... Lol, here was a tiny spider sucking the blood out of me. So I picked it off and flushed it down the kamode and said Satan, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus. I pray that spiders bite has no effect on me. Praise God, it had no effect on me.!!! Last nights dream: I was in a graveyard, in the dark looking for ways to make it pretty. I had fallen in a hole then climbed out again. I gone over to a tombstone and prayed for light. Then I fell asleep. In another dream within the first dream I was at the bottom of a driveway and had to get the gifts up and over the hill to the house. It was still dark out. When I stood up and looked up at the house every light was on. But it wasnt just that the lights were on it was every spiritual light was on. So much so, it lit up even the outside lawns. I picked up all gifts I could carry and made it to the house on the hill full of lights when I got there an angel said its not time yet. And I was sent back to the graveyard where it was dark and gloomy and there I opened a present sent to me from a friend a pair of earings that had a rah symbol on them. I took them off and threw them out into the graveyard hole. I reached in my pocket and pulled out a cross and put it on them they lit up the whole place. I was back in the house on the hill. I woke up.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 11:26:47 +0000

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