I have had a few Christian people remove me from their friends - TopicsExpress


I have had a few Christian people remove me from their friends list, which in all honesty isnt all that Christian, and I have known a few of these people for long periods of my life. The one thing that I thought set aside Christians from the rest for the world is their love for people. I have had lot of people come onto my wall and post whatever they want, because how else do you engage in dialogue without speaking to people. We need to engage in dialogue to offer a different perspective. People are human and have differences of opinions, just because they differ doesnt mean that they are right, or for that matter that I am right. As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. proverbs 27 I have adopted a policy in the past 2 years of only removing / blocking people who are abusive to me. I had the opportunity to look back at my posts over the past 4 years and I can honestly say that a lot of my posts have changed, this I think is due to me changing a lot of my views, hopefully to be more in-line with what I believe God wants me to be. We only get to alter our perspectives when other people talk to us. We only get to alter our view point with calm talking and scripturally backed dialogue. So why do people simply delete me because my opinion differs. They only conclusion is that they have not love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self control. So my question is did they ever manifest the fruits of the spirit? Therefore do they actually have the spirit of God living in them?
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 08:46:28 +0000

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