I have had a planned out, rigorous schedule all week. If I keep - TopicsExpress


I have had a planned out, rigorous schedule all week. If I keep on task, the ultimate goal by Saturday will be accomplished. Until yesterday. :-) I went to bed with the same agenda in mind as before but woke up later than I usually do. I got started with the To Do list but was hindered all morning. Phone calls, emails, a friend needed to talk about a plaguing problem. Sometimes God resets our paths even though we are doing things that honor Him. Gods timing always supersedes what we want to do. Right? I had to go to Kmart and pick up my transplant medicine but ran into a hitch at the pharmacy. It would mean a long delay while the powers that be tracked down the contracted provider. In short, red tape and paperwork probably sitting on someones desk...they had dropped the ball and after 22 years on the same med and dose, this is the FIRST time that this has ever happened. The result? A dead end and no medicine to suppress my immune system. Literally, a life and death situation for me. While answering questions and awaiting return phone calls to the pharmacy, this is what I discovered. Sometimes, God assigns us a broken person. God will move heaven and earth to get you where you need to be just at the precise, God orchestrated time. I met a guy also waiting there for another life sustaining medicine and we started talking. He told me that he was a retired AF military man from FL and years ago had donated a kidney to someone in his family. Now, however, his other kidney had failed and he was in end stage renal failure. Just like I had been. He was on the transplant waiting list and the doctor had recently told him that he was in danger of dying if the transplant did not come soon. Just like the doctor told me. Hmmmmmm. Heres what God said to me: There is a reason we are in this Christmas season. Listen close, just as the wise men did. You have been following a star and I have been guiding you. Your work and goals are nice...but sometimes, my ways are so different that you would never choose to go where I need to send you. So, I am ever and always creative and creating situations to get the message out. Thus, you are now come to the stable. It is a dark place, an unwanted place. It stinks. This is NOT at all how you would think you would encounter a miracle. But, like the Wise Men, sometimes the star leads you to the Glorious Impossible. When you get to the end of the road, and at a crossroads in life where you desperately need help, and further direction, look for God in the mess and the undesired place. You will find Me there. What did the Wise Men do next? They dropped to their knees and worshipped the God of The Impossible. How absurd for the King of Glory to be born in a dingy, smelly stable but thats often where a miracle is born...in the least likely of all circumstances and situations. I continued to talk with the man and I told him of my transplants and renewed health. I explained to him that while my experience was not always rosy that God had walked with me every step of the way. He shared of his own spiritual journey and I urged him to trust God in the dark. His countenance brightened and he almost shook my hand off in gratefulness for the encouragement. It was a God ordained meeting and only the Lord knew where I needed to be an EXACTLY at the right time. I still do not have the approval for the medicine but guess who is in charge of that? I am taking a swim this morning in Gods love and just waiting to see if there is a Chapter 2 where God needs me to go. So, what about you? Are you willing to become a character in the 2014 version of the Christmas nativity? God may assign you a broken person and they may need to know that a Saviour has been born for them. Isaiah 9:6 (KJV) For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Sometimes following The Bright and Morning Star, Jesus, will lead you to a dark place, a stable, but you will find God there if you open up your eyes to see. Wise men still seek Him!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 14:54:59 +0000

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