I have had a very close friend, she would say to me in the - TopicsExpress


I have had a very close friend, she would say to me in the strictest of tones, Hazvishande izvozvo! (that doesnt work!) whenever I failed to do stuff for her and still get to excuse my failure by saying that it didnt negate my concern and love for her. My initial thoughts had been that she was just been so inconsiderate and too demanding. After consultation with my informed male counterparts I then concluded she was just being a woman. Now I realise, not only was she reminding me but she was also giving me the opportunity to be the man God ordained me to be- a Provider. Providing for those we love and are under our care is one of the core elements of being a man. Husbands are instructed to love their wives as Christ loved the Church and we know the Church is to be solely dependend on Christ for its sustanance. Likewise, the man is to be provider and sustainer to his wife (and children) primarily. And this then translates to him being also provider and sustainer of his community. This is not to undermine the ability or contribution of women for history is awash with many such women who have filled this manly role with excellence. Deborah comes to mind; judging over Isreael and leading the armies to war. But as in the case of Deborah and many other instances, this is always the result of man who would have abandoned their posts out of timidity or ignorance. Men who would have succumbed to the lure and deceit of the world, leaving her who is to be provided for, to fend for herself. Its been the enemys strategy since our Lords day- strike the head and the body will faint. Even so today the manhood of man is under attack, with many failing to stand as faithful sentries in their posts (marriage) and ours is becoming a fatherless generation. But there is hope yet for him who would care enough to stand. That hope is in Christ- he who created them male and female and instituted marriage, with its order and respective responsibilities. Even to that brother who has strayed there is still chance to be restored, only run back to the altar of grace and mercy in sweet surrender and yet again enjoy the blessing of being the man God ordained you to be!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 21:18:37 +0000

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