I have had electricity for less than 6 hours in the past four - TopicsExpress


I have had electricity for less than 6 hours in the past four days. Somebody tell me one, just one government institution that is working above average? Tell me Im unpatriotic but seriously, this is a failed Nation. Always squirming over pettiness. Pettiness will kill this nation dead. Government fix 2 street bulbs, patches pot holes and they come on radio to sing praises of that for three solid hours. Government puts up three class room block and a convoy of over 20 Land Cruisers travel 300KM on poor roads to inaugurate. Government intends to dig a borehole and takes an entourage to cut a sod? And we keep sitting here NPP-NDC blame games? Every government comes to power to either equalize the erroneous acts of the opposition or blame it for the cause. We dont have the best health insurance, we have no better hospitals, we have no electric trains or any better transportation system. No better school system, no employment opportunities, awkward security and sanitation system. All we hear everyday is this man has squandered this amount of Ghana money, this company has mismanaged this, this institution has spent that and this goes on and on every blessed day. What is wrong with you politicians? Are you all damned blind, deaf and dumb? Dont you people travel? Didnt you all school abroad? What do you see when you go there? Open gutters and pot holes? scattered settlements and dark cities? Oh How? I mean howwww??? Is it sheer turpitude and insouciance? Or has the nation gone beyond repairable damage? When you travel outside for loans and you come back,to Ghana, how you feel when you touch down? Oh! perhaps your cars are too elegant to feel what we feel and your houses are too sophisticated to experience what we go through now. We have built dams, roads, sky-crappers, ultra-modern hospitals and schools but all on paper. Now common electricity, common electricity we cannot have and when children fail exams in the end, theyll say the generation is full of lazy youth. It is Kwame Nkrumahs birthday tomorrow and you all politicians are a disgrace to the day. Im very happy that almost all of you will not be celebrated when you die because you have deprived us. You have failed us beyond failure.Youve thought us one thing, thievery and corruption and we will dig your graves and steal from your ornaments. Almost all of you deserve no a celebration. Sorry if my words are hostile, but Im in a more hostile environment, Im in the DARK.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 19:26:27 +0000

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