I have had my heart stepped on, stomped, beaten, and battered. I - TopicsExpress


I have had my heart stepped on, stomped, beaten, and battered. I have had it so broken that the pieces were left scattered about as if tiny scraps of paper cluttering the busy street as passers by never even noticed the blood red litter floating through the air and clinging to the bottom of their high priced shoes. Am I bitter? Am I so wounded beyond repair? NO! I am not because with each and every day that ticks away on this clock that life has put over my head I seem to find another piece of my heart has somehow found its way home to me as if a homing pigeon found it and decided for that brief moment that this scrap was more important than just every other piece of trash in the gutter and the universe whispered gently into her sweet ear my exact position. As I sit here now sewing together the torn and tattered parts I know within my soul it will never be 100% together on my own but I also know exactly what it will take to get this masterpiece back to a working order. It will take a few small pieces of your heart to make mine whole. I have realized that in life, our hearts are never completely of our own but instead they are made of our pieces and a few from every soul that has ever given us the amazing blessing and gift of love. First and foremost it is made full by our first true love, the beauty and grace of our parents but as we age, our hearts grow and expand until eventually that love is not enough to keep us fulfilled. As we as living breathing souls experience and generate love from beyond our inner selves our heart grows slightly larger to accommodate these emotions and when others feel the need to move on from us they take a few small tidbits away to keep their own as whole and complete as possible. This is precisely where we find ourselves with a broken heart. It is not that it is broken by any means it is just simply now with a couple open spaces and holes which we need filled. I do believe in love! I do believe in the fairytales told to us as young children of love, love lost, and eternal love renewed. We each have our own fairytale told in our own extremely unique way very different to anyone around us but that is part of the beauty, it is our fairytale! I have faith in the universe and in myself that should I give the proper time and love required, my heart will be whole again and it is then when my fairytale will reach its own version of Happily Ever After. . . . . . ~L.W.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 17:53:43 +0000

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