I have had so much fun!!! Christian is doing a paper on people who - TopicsExpress


I have had so much fun!!! Christian is doing a paper on people who immigrated to this country, so of course he chose to write the paper about his Grandpa, Jacques Price, so he sent him a questionnaire to complete ! I didnt see any reason I should be left out of the spotlight, so I told him I wanted to do one on my life, growing up in the circus!! I probably didnt grow up in the circus, but I thought it would be cool, so I sent him this: 1. 5/26/1950 Born in a circus tent in Lick Skillet, GA. 2. Home life in the circus could be very difficult. When I was younger, my main job was to feed and water the elephants. Do you know how much water an elephant can drink?? It is more than 8 ounces!! Moving the bales of hay was really hard, too. I would have to dig my pitch fork in and move some, dig my pitchfork in and move some. Some times it took me nearly 2 hours to move even one bail. As I got older, I started learning to be a knife thrower. I would throw knives at anything for the first few years, just to practice. I threw knives at my brother, at my dog, and at several elephants. I figured if I hit them, I wouldnt have to feed and water them! Unfortunately, I wasnt a very good knife thrower, so I never hit my brother, I never hit my dog, I didnt even hit an elephant! After years of practice, I finally became a very good knife thrower, and began to perform in the circus!! 3. I was born in the US, so I didnt have to move here. I did go to New York City once with the circus. Does that count? New York City is a strange country!! 4. As a child, I learned to speak 3 languages - English, Southern English and Pig Latin. 5. As I grew and practiced, I became more proficient as a knife thrower. One day, a handsome man came to the circus. He was from Haiti. He wanted a job, so he was given a job as the target on the spinning knife wheel. They would tie him to the wheel, and give it a good spin. He would be spinning wildly, round and round on the wheel, as I threw knives at him. Luckily, even though I had become more proficient, I still couldnt hit him on that wheel. Round and round he would go, spinning rapidly as I threw my knife after knife at him. Suddenly, on day, I realized how handsome he was. I stopped the wheel without throwing another knife and told him I loved him. We were married two weeks later. It was a wonderful wedding!! We rode in on the elephants. The bearded lady performed the ceremony. There wasnt a dry eye in the house. I see absolutely no reason he shouldnt get an A!!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 04:46:32 +0000

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