I have had some messages asking about the titles for SF3... All i - TopicsExpress


I have had some messages asking about the titles for SF3... All i can say is that my method with lyrics is to keep em progressing as they go. I mean, sometimes we change the song and its atmosphere still in the studio.. Keep adding stuff to it, or erase what is not needed. Last minute evolution, if you want to call it that. Sometimes the evolution process changes the song to a point that lyrics need a new line or two, or some of the lines need to go. Or even the main text may need a little bit adjusted viewpoint. So, trying not to give too many working titles away, as they can/will change. Lyrics are not finished until they are recorded and the same goes for our songs too. But what i CAN tell you, is that we settled for a title for the album in the very early process of writing. Like to give us a headline, under which we match all the material decomposed and so far, everything has been living up to it too! So, youll just have to bear with us for a while yet. All i can say is that were really excited about the new material and it is ambitious, murderous and pretty much what we have wanted this band always to be. We WILL keep you posted. But thanks for the interest guys and cheers!! -Markus/SF
Posted on: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 07:06:49 +0000

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