I have had the word arrogant thrown at me often. When I say thrown - TopicsExpress


I have had the word arrogant thrown at me often. When I say thrown I mean generally as an insult hurled at my head in place of a blunt object. Arrogance: Having or showing the insulting attitude of people who believe that they are better, smarter, or more important than other people. Do I believe I am better person than Hitler, usually. Do I think I am more intelligent than a person who sticks objects in light sockets, yes. Am I more important to myself than most people are to me, youre god damn right. Its a long ride floating on arrogance in this sea of stupidity and it is my job to keep my head above water when I start to drown. I do not put myself above the people I love but I am not so foolish as to count on anyone else for a lifeline. I take pride in speaking and writing fluently. When I state my opinions I intend for them to be accurate and I want my grammar to be proper. I understand that everything isnt an essay. But how much time are you saving using your butchered english shorthand and more importantly how many of my brain cells die when I read it? I am not an english professor, I have given up on correcting grammar. If it makes me arrogant to merely point out that your grammar is atrocious then I am content in my arrogance. Here in the land of arrogance we have books n shit. I always have to be right, no, I always strive to be correct. Really think about that, shouldnt everyone strive to be correct? Let me take it a step further and pose a question. If you walk across the street smiling and get hit by a car because you didnt look both ways was ignorance bliss? Complacency has cost people their lives and so has ignorance, put them together and I cant tolerate you. Yes I can be very stubborn but I argue with facts not against them. Support your opinion with logic and I will be intrigued and delighted to listen. Being judgmental, how about using your judgement? I dont have faith in humanity, I have belief in my people. Ive spent copious amounts of time learning to become intuitive. If I can read you or the situation quicker than you can read me then I am resilient to your bullshit. This keeps both of us safe, youre welcome. Because I am capable of far worse things than lying when I feel betrayed. You may find yourself asking what the point is. Well if you dont understand then you wasted your time reading this. Its also highly probable that you will never understand me and that we wont ever see eye to eye. (Because im way above you sitting on my pedestal of arrogance). If you do understand then you probably understood before reading this. But now we may have just become best friends!
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 11:18:02 +0000

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