I have had this thought and drive to start a ministry under the - TopicsExpress


I have had this thought and drive to start a ministry under the name Shining Cross since about 1991. I have felt a desire and drive to do ministry work, and who knows maybe this is the start of just that. I have done a search for trademarks and such on the internet and nothing returns with the name of Shining Cross, so maybe it is a sign, or maybe I am reading too much into it. I guess time will tell. ;) I will start by explaining what has driven me to the name first. To me when I think of something shining, it draws ones attention. Sometimes that is like a beacon from a lighthouse leading the lost to safety. Other times it can be an annoying glare that creates discomfort to our sight. To me Jesus is a prime example of both. In Luke 14 Jesus states that if you do not hate those around you and even your own life, you cannot be a disciple. He states further you must carry your cross daily and follow Him. He summarizes by stating you must give up everything to be His disciple. In Mark 12 Jesus states the greatest commanments are to love the Lord our God with all your soul, body, mind and heart. Second to that you are to love thy neighbor as you love yourself. Jesus is a radical, but He is the ultimate light of hope to a hopeless world. That hope can be based on His teachings alone in loving thy neighbor, or fully in the complete faith of Him being the promised Savior of humanity. The choice of using the word Cross is quite obvious as a common symbol of Christianity. My vision is to show the hope to all behind the teachings of Jesus. One can choose to believe in His Messiahship, or turn away from it. I want to be a vessel to be used by Him to spread His teachings and help provide to those in need in worldly ways with assistance for food, shelter and clothing. Mainly though I believe there can be a cultural shift away from the current trend of selfishness and greed, towards one of unity and harmony. I am not so naive to believe we will all sit in a circle holding hands and sing Kumbaya in harmony, but one stone can create ripples in the still waters. I believe Shining Cross can be that stone. I liken the name Shining Cross to the Matthew 5:14-16 "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hid. Nor do men light a lamp and put it under a bushel, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." For now my plan is to use this page to speak my thoughts on spiritual and world events much as I have used my personal Facebook page.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 01:28:55 +0000

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