I have had to gain my composure after listening to Obama babble on - TopicsExpress


I have had to gain my composure after listening to Obama babble on and on again. He has been talking and talking and talking, he has 90% of the networks on his side, we have heard these messages over and over and over. QUIT TALKING AND DO SOMETHING for the American people, when I say do something I mean do something for the American people the heart and soul of America trying to work for a living, not the people who sit on the couch drawing unemployment for three years, which Pelosi says quote we need unemployment to stimulate our economy. We need to help the people that have been cut down 30 hours a week to avoid the penalties from the government. We are tired of the penalties! I mean throw the tele prompter in the trash and look us in the eye and give us leadership. Some say we are just bashing the administration when in reality we are looking for leadership. You are the worst example of leadership we have experienced. You have had 5 years, you have just now come to realize by cutting corporate taxes you will obtain revenue and jobs in America instead making the playing field even like Joe the plumber called you on, by the way we have the #1 resource in the world and its called OIL you didnt want to drill, you wanted to go green like solyndra and it went down hill from there. If you would of put that money into your healthcare bill look at the lives you would have saved there. Now back to the point, we have the #1 resource in the world and you are willing to throw it in the trash along with Keystone Pipeline, to do what? The best thing I heard you say in the State of Union Address was GOD BLESS AMERICA. Hope you meant it, 76% of the population is in question of it.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 06:08:15 +0000

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