I have heard a lot of people talking about how there are recovered - TopicsExpress


I have heard a lot of people talking about how there are recovered Doctor Who episodes yet to be announced, and that the BBC have a whole serials worth of episodes to hand, but will not be releasing it until even closer to the 50th anniversary. The story in question is Marco Polo. Right, sorry, nobody wants Marco Polo back in the BBC archive anymore than I do, a fact backed up by the unfortunate friends of mine who Ive not stopped talking about the story to, but even I know that this is utter nonsense. If Marco Polo was found alongside The Enemy of the World and The Web of Fear, then they would have RELEASED it alongside The Enemy of the World and The Web of Fear. The rumours were going mad this year, and even though 9 episodes have been found and returned, and released via iTunes for us to enjoy, people are STILL insisting that episodes are pending release and will be announced in the coming weeks. No. No, no, no, no, no. If its an orphan episode, or maybe two, then fair enough, leave the incomplete ones in the dark until the MBW event, and then find a place for them to go on DVD, but not a full, complete story; wed have it by now if that was the case. As it stands, we have what we have, and we should be happy only with that. The 106 missing episodes list has been dropped down to 97. That is the ultimate breakthrough, beating the 100 mark. I could talk about how many times Ive watched both The Enemy of the World and The Web of Fear combined, but it isnt important. What IS important is that we HAVE these episodes, and we can watch them whenever we want, so WHY are people still talking about OTHER episodes being found? Is this what happens each and every time an episode of Doctor Who is found? A bunch of people going on and on about what episodes they want back, and then suddenly expecting them ALL to come back when a recovery DOES happen? Maddening. Personally, Im glad there ARE more episodes out there, but Im not ready to start placing bets on the next recovery. Im just content with watching what HAS returned.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 16:03:29 +0000

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