I have heard but now I see Preached on Saturday evening, 27th - TopicsExpress


I have heard but now I see Preached on Saturday evening, 27th November 1965 at the Life Tabernacle in Shreveport, Louisiana, U.S.A. (1 hour and 55 minutes) (Listen to this sermon - Get MP3 from TheFreeWord) 1 You be seated. Its good to be back again tonight. Thankful we have this opportunity again now to serve the Lord. And after keeping you so long last night, I feel it wouldnt be fair to keep you long again tonight. Just back there listening to an associate brother of ours in the Lord, that just come from Indiana, stirred by a strange dream. Hes never been in Shreveport before in his life. But he dreamed the other night that he come to Shreveport, not by his car. And he come with a--or--or come somewhere to a church where I was speaking. He said, after I had preached and prayed for the people, said, Somethings going to happen. Said, he was back the next day. And he said, he knew the building, how it looks. Said, Theres a--there was a civic auditorium across the street, but they never went in the auditorium. Said, It was on this side in a stone building that had a wing to it, and the building set just like this. And the--the boy is a dreamer; Ive seen his dreams and know that theyre true. 3 And he said--and he said, Then on the last night that I was speaking and praying for the sick. And I said, Somethings fixing to happen. And sounded like a clap of thunder. And said, The people begin screaming. And said, As the thunder begin to go away, why, said, It made a voice, and begin speaking. Says, That speaking was going on, that through these lattices (windows up here) come the Glory of God, moving in, in the form of the Pillar of Fire. Hes never seen It. Hes heard us talk about It, but hes never seen It himself. And said, There It was, come through the windows up like that, and formed that Light like you see in the picture, right above the audience here. But said, It was rumbling off something. And said, I stood, and said, That is Jehovah God. And said he was reminded of (when thinking about It) when Moses called the--brought the people out of Egypt. And they said, Let Moses speak, and not God, lest we die. He said, Everybody was laying on the floor, their hands up, screaming. Said he was screaming too, Lord God, I love You. I love You. And his wife shook him and woke him up. 6 See him going down the aisle right now, Brother Jackson, a former Methodist preacher. And he was so disturbed till he come down; and said when he walked in, he was so astounded, just exactly the way he had saw it in a dream. I dont know what it means. The Lords kept it from me. But something could happen, and seeing Brother Jackson dreamed that, knowing him as a honest, real--real man, servant of God. And I--I know of him dreaming dreams, coming to me, and the Lord gave me a interpretation, itd be just perfectly like that. Even to, one time, my going to Arizona, he had the dream of it. And hes very much disturbed. Hes with his wife; he brought her. Shes to be mother right away, and the only way he could go was by airplane. He didnt have a penny to come and somebody give him the money. And so its kinda worked out mysteriously, so something could happen; we hope so. We dont know just what the Lord will provide for us. 9 Now, we are grateful to the Lord to be living in the day that were living in, just before the coming of Jesus. As I have said before, its the greatest time of all history. Id rather be living right now than any time, Id--to--on earth. I see here in front of us again tonight is my good friend Brother Dauch. I mentioned him in the auditorium this morning. Brother Dauch is ninety-three years old today; how blessed it is. He contributes his long life to the glory and praise of God, ninety-three today. Happy Birthday to you, my brother. And I know out, down, around the country where theyre listening in tonight, they also wish Brother Bill Dauch a Happy Birthday. Hes a very personal friend of Oral Roberts, many, hes helped so many in the Gospel way, and everything. Hes a great friend of ours. 11 Glad to see Brother Mann here, another Methodist preacher, saved and baptized with the Holy Ghost, and in the Name of Jesus Christ, setting here. Hes also one of our associates from Indiana. And I understand Brother Hickersons setting here by him, one of our deacons from Jeffersonville, Indiana (Theyre listening in up there tonight.). And I understand that Brother Wheeler, one of the other deacons is here somewhere. And I--I havent located him just yet, somebody pointing their fingers over and Ill catch him after a bit: setting over, way over to the right, yes. Brother Banks Wood, if youre listening in tonight, your brother was here last night. I seen him as I went out, Brother Lyle. Jehovah Witness, the whole group was converted. Lyle was brought in because a vision of the Lord. 12 Lyle was setting in the boat there that day, when the day before it was told him that something was going to happen concerning a resurrection of life. He was a real Jehovah Witness too. But that morning, setting there, fishing, and he caught... Well, he had a great, big old (that Kentucky fashion, you know)--a big hook and a little, bitty fish swallowed it. And he just pulled gills, entrails and all out, throwed it out on the water (little, bitty sunfish), and he said, Well, little fellow, you shot your last wad. The little... Flipping along on the water, died, the wind blowed him up into some pond lilies. 13 And the day before, setting, I said, The Holy Spirit tells me that therell be a resurrection of some little creature. Perhaps thered be a--a kitten, when I get back home, cause just... But when we was trying to dig some fish bait, Brother Wood and I, whos listening in tonight, my little girl which is a young woman setting here, engaged to this lanky soldier (Thats him.), she come up, she said, Daddy... Her and the other little girl, said, We... Now, anybody can have any kind of pet they want, but I sure dont like a cat, so she... Or no Branham... So we... she said, Oh, we found a poor old cat out here, daddy. Its--its--its eat something and its... Somebodys poisoned it, its all swelled up. Said, Daddy, its going to die right away, can we get a little box and keep it a couple days? 15 And I said, Let me see the cat. Well, they went and got the cat. I seen what was going to happen, so they give her a box. And next morning, was about seven or eight kittens there, you know. So my little boy, Joe, picked one of them up, and squeezed it and dropped it on the ground; and just--just... The little fellow lay there wiggling around and around, killed it. And I said to Brother Lyle, his brother, I said, You know, it may be that itd be that little kitten raised up, like we have seen the Lord do things. Brother Lyle, just new in the way... The Holy Spirit had just told him he was married, and what he had done, and the evils he had done, the things he had done. Well, he thought Brother Banks was telling me them things. But when It really brought him right out, and told him what he done the night before, that was--that was too much for him. He couldnt get it. 18 Then, the next morning... While, we fished all night, with little fish, we was catching some for bait. But he just throwed that little fish in the water, quivered, flabbed over. About a half hour later we were setting there, and I was... I said, Brother Lyle, you let the fish swallow the hook all the way down in his stomach. See? I said, Take the fly line here, flip it over, the bait out like that; just soon as he touch it, I said, then just hold him and then bring him in. I said, He... Dont pull him out like that, dont swallow it, you catch the fish. He said, Well... He had a great, big old line hanging over, said, This is the way we do it, like that. 20 So just about that time, I heard Something coming off the top of the mountain up there, a whirlwind, whirling around and around. Here It come down like that, and the Spirit of God come over the boat, said, Stand up on your feet. Said, Speak to that dead fish. Say, I give you back your life. And that little fish had been laying there for a half hour, with his entrails in its mouth, and its gills. I said, Little fishy, Jesus Christ gives you back your life. Live, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Flipped over on his back, and down through the water he went as hard as he could go. 22 Brother Lyle, are you here somewhere? I--I seen you last night. Whether hes inside, outside, or where hes at, raise your hand if I can see you. [Someone in congregation says, Balcony--Ed.] What say? In the bal... Oh, yes, way up in the balcony, through the windows back there. Thats the man, a Jehovah Witness. He said, Brother Branham... He was all excited, he said, Uh, its--its good to be here. Isnt it? He said, Uh, uh, do you--do you... Uh, do--do you think that meant me, that--that--that, that I called that little fish, said, You had shot your last wad? Said, That--that--that meant something to me? I said, No, no, just a confirmation. He was all upset about it. 25 Well, we travel along and you see those things happening, knowing... Now, just think what was it to show? I had a-many little spastic child on my prayer list, praying for it, but when the vision come, it was for a little old fish about so long, about two inches long or three. Looked like the hook was a big as the fish. But what it was, was to show you that God looks on the little things too. See? One day when lepers was laying all over the country, He used His power and put a curse on a tree. It begin to wither, when there was people laying everywhere needing that healing power. But, you see, He wanted to show Hes God over everything, whether its small, whether its big, whatever it is. Hes still God over all things, all the creation. So we love Him because... That--that gives us to know, if Hes interested to speak the Word of life into a little insignificant fish laying there dead on the water for a half hour, He can certainly someday speak Life into His children. No matter if your body be no more than a spoonful of dust, Hell speak, and well answer Him someday. Hes God Whos interested in everything, all that we do, all that we say, everything. Hes interested. 27 Now, let us bow our heads everywhere. I wonder now, before we pray, if theres anybody tonight thats interested in Him, but yet you havent got your reservations yet for the other land where were going to see Him. You know, you cant come in without reservations. And you havent made them yet, but you would like to be remembered in prayer now, that everything will be made right between you and God tonight, would you just raise up your hand. Just say, Remember me, Lord? Here... Just let Him see your hand. God, grant it. 28 Heavenly Father, as we stand tonight between the living and the dead; and these things thats happening in these days, mysterious, sure theyre mysterious; but God, You know whether they are true or not; You are the solemn Judge of the heavens and earth. And we say this, Lord, just to encourage the people (some of the things that Thou has showed us), that they might be encouraged to love You, and believe You, serve You, and to know that no matter how little the deed is, good or bad, You see it. I pray, dear God, that Youll bless every one of those hands tonight, and the soul and spirit that motivated that hand to go up. I pray, God, that this will be the night that their reservations will be made for that land beyond the river. Grant it. Heal the sick and the afflicted, Lord, both here, all out across the land where the--the--the broadcast through the phones are coming in. Bless those out there thats unsaved, all the way from California to New York, from Canada to Mexico. Grant, Lord, that every person under the sound of our voice tonight will be saved from their sins, healed of their sickness, because of Your Divine Presence. And this our Brother Jackson, whos flown all the way down this thousand miles here to be here because something strangely stirred his heart; And they shall dream dreams and see visions. And dear God, Thou hast kept it a secret from me, what this means; I dont know. But if You shall visit us, Lord, prepare our hearts now for that visit. That we might be under expectations, not knowing what You will do, and not knowing if You have promised to visit us by this dream; we do not know. But we are just quoting those things that we do understand, that You promised to visit Your people, and we pray that Youll make Yourself real to us here. In the Name of Jesus Christ we asked it. Amen. 31 Now, tonight, after keeping you so long last night and this morning, and I kinda getting a little bit hoarse. I got a little piece of hair I got, I wear over my bald spot here when Im preaching. But I forgot it this time, and this air, sweeping through these windows, is begin to give me a--a little bit of hoarseness. I used to... Id have to close meetings, but since I got that, then I dont bother with it no more, I just go on. And I forgot it, and its... Ive kinda can feel it, so your prayers will be appreciated. And now, these are two services each day, that they are--kinda get... You know, when you got a lot of miles, it--you can tell it. 32 So now to you people in California, and out in Arizona, we all send greetings across the nation. Brother Leo and the group thats waiting on the Lord up at Prescott, invited now, and all you people around Phoenix, a week from tonight, were to be over in Yuma at the banquet. They done sold out all their tickets over there and got a bigger auditorium, and they cant place the people. So come early, you all, to--to get in. Then were going on into Los Angeles from there, next Monday... next Sunday, Sunday night. And so were looking to see you all over there. Gods rich blessings rest on you all. 33 To you in New York, and you that are around up in Ohio and different places, soon I want to preach the message of The Trail Of The Serpent, the beast at the beginning, and the beast at the end, at the Tabernacle. Billy will send you a note for that, when were going to speak it, cause I do that in the Tabernacle because itll, at least, be four hours or more long. So now... So I want you here, here and wherever you are now, to turn to the Book of Job. Very strange Book to preach from, but I want to just use a few notes here now. And then, tomorrow morning, here at the tabernacle, therell be Sunday school services at... We start here at what time? [A man replies, 9:30--Ed.] Nine-thirty. And then I have the privilege of speaking here again tomorrow. And the Lord willing, I wanted to speak on the subject, if Hes willing now, as I was studying this afternoon, to show you that theres only one place that God will meet a worshipper. See, see? Only in... And--and can tell you what that place is, and what the Name of that place is, where God will meet the worshipper. 36 And then tomorrow night Im going to ask a favor, that is, for a healing service. And I--I want an old fashion healing service. And if the Lord willing, I want to speak on a subject that alarmed me today... When Brother Moore and I were talking out together, my precious brethren, we were discussing Scriptures. And how lovely it was to be with them brothers, like old times. And he said, You know, Brother Branham, all the preaching you ever done for us here in Shreveport, the Lamb and the Dove was one of the most outstanding messages you ever brought us here at Shreveport. Said, I guess with your Message so strenuous to you today, you never get to one like that. When I miss That, I miss my Message: Love is my... Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious Blood Shall never lose its power, Till all the ransomed Church of God Be saved, to sin no more. Ever since by faith, I saw that stream Thy flowing wounds supplying, Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die. 38 Tomorrow night, if it be the will of the Lord, I want to preach on a subject on: On The Wings Of A Snow White Dove, tomorrow night: the Lord coming down on the wings of a Dove, that is, if the Lord willing, my voice dont get too bad. Now... So, pray for us. And then I want an old fashion prayer meeting like we had at the beginning, no discernment, just simply give everybody a card that wants to be prayed for. Now, you must have a card, so be here early so Billy can give you a card and keep it lined up. If you dont do that, people just keep doubling back, and doubling back, and doubling back, and theres no end to the line. Anybody can have a card. I want Brother Jack to stand by me at the prayer line, like he used to, and Brother Brown to bring the people to me instead of Billy Paul. I--I--I--I want--I want an old fashion prayer line, and well just pray the way we used to years ago. 40 Im glad tonight to have another associate brother with us, just looked around and recognized then and seen him a few minutes ago, Brother Gordon Lindsay. Hes one of the old-timers, was with us a long time ago. Doing a great job, printing, hes printing my book now: The--The Seven Church Ages. We hope to have it ready again: The Seven Seals. If he happens to read that before he prints it, were going to have a theological discussion. I can just feel it coming. But he knows Im no theologian, so... But were looking forward to tomorrow night. If youre in, Brother Lindsay, be here tomorrow night. If you are, drop around and be with us on the platform for an old fashion prayer meeting. How many would like to see one of them old-timers again, where we bring the people up? Thatd be fine. Now, bring out your sick and afflicted tomorrow night for that purpose then. 42 Now, if youve got the Book of Job, the 42nd verse--or 42nd chapter, and the first six verses of the 42nd chapter of Job: very strange. Brother Ted Dudley, if youre listening in tonight over in Phoenix, you remember you and I talking one time about a week or two ago, and we referred to this? I told you, Someday that would become a text to me. And I want to use it tonight. Then answered... Then Job answered the Lord, and said, (listen close to this reading, now) I know that thou canst do every thing, and that no doubt can be withholden from thee. Who is he that hideth counsel without knowledge? therefore have I uttered that I understood not; things too wonderful for me, which I knew not. Hear, I beseech thee, and I will speak: I will demand of thee, and declare thou unto me. I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee. Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes. Now, I want to take a text from that 5th verse. I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now my eye seeth thee. May the Lord bless His Word. 44 Job, lets take a little of his life. Job was a prophet. He was a man that lived back before the Bible was written. Its been thought that Job was one of the oldest books of the Bible, because It was written before Genesis was written. Job, this great warrior and prophet, was a--a mighty man in his day. No doubt that hed been brought up and had served the Lord all of his life. And had lived such a gallant life to the people, all had respects for him. But hed come to a place to where he calls it here, being tempted of the Lord. But Id like to use the word, being tested by the Lord. And truly, every son that cometh to God must first be tested, tried, child-trained. And then if the testing gets hard, and we think its too hard and wont listen (take heed), then He said we become a illegitimate child, and not a child of God. Because theres nothing can move a real, borned again child of God away from his Parent (See?); hes part of Him. You can no more deny it, you deny yourself. See? Youve had the experience, youve been trained and tested. 46 And now, this man being a prophet, he had had access to Gods grace, but Job didnt have a Bible to read. He... The--the Bible wasnt wrote then, but he had access to God by revelation and by vision. That was before the Bible was written. Now, we find out, and take some of his life. When God blessed him and made him a great man, why, even everybody respected him, even to his wisdom had become so great. His inspiration from God had vindicated him to be Gods servant so plainly until the people come from everywhere to hear him. And then Satan begin to accuse that man. And thats the way he does every inspired servant of God; Satan is always there to accuse him of everything that he does thats not right. Now, we find out his life and trials, and his great faith, even Jesus, when He came on the earth, He referred to the patience of Job. He said, Have you not read of the patience of Job? Faith waits with patience for the promised Word to be fulfilled. 49 Now, we notice here that Job, after he went through his trials, all of his afflictions... He had a lovely family; they were taken from him. He had good health; it was taken from him. Everything that he owned in this life was taken. And he set on a ash heap, with a piece of crock, scraping his boils. And even to his own wife spoke against him; she said, Why not curse God, and die? He said, Thou speakest like a foolish woman. He said, The Lord gave, and the Lord taken away, blessed be the Name of the Lord. 51 Now, Satan had come up before God, cause he could come before God, and accuse the Christians (or, the believers) all the time. So he accused Job of many things, and said that Job, the reason he could serve God, because everything was coming good for him. But said, If Youll just let me have him in my hands, Ill make him curse You to Your face. I want you to notice that the confidence that God had in a believer. See? Hes... In other words, God said to Job--or said to Satan, like this, You cant do it. Hes a just man (justified). He is a good man. He... Theres not one like him in the whole earth. O what a man, that God Himself would say to His enemy, My servant is so perfect, theres not another man on earth like him. Oh. If we could only be that kind of a man, that God could bestow that confidence upon us, that know that well not twist from His Word or His Being any way: stay exactly, and He can put His trust in us. 53 Now, Job was a man that carried out Gods commandments to the letter, exactly. And Satan knew that, but he said, If Youll just let me have him, Ill make him curse You to Your face. So God told him; He said, Now, hes in your hands, but dont you take his life. And Satan even stretched as far as he could on that. He took every friend and everything he had, almost his complete life, but he couldnt take his life. But Job still held right on; there was no turning back. You see, when a man or a person has once really come in contact with God, with that genuine, revealed faith that God is, theres nothing, no time, nowhere, can ever separate that man from his God. I believe it was Paul said, Theres no strife, no hunger, no perils, neither living creatures, or death, or anything that can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. You are securely anchored in Him because you were ordained to that Life. 56 But Satan thought he could twist him around a little bit, and cuff him up, and make him do it. But, you see, Job with his perfect revelation of God, and Who God was, and how God loved him, he waited. No matter what the circumstances was, he waited for his faith to be confirmed, because hed had a grip on God, a revelation (that I spoke of last night). Now, when the sick people thats in the building, the crippled people, or you that have a need of God, when you can get that type of a revelation that you are justified, when you are actually justified in asking the thing that youre asking for, and believe that He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek after Him, theres nothing can ever separate you from that faith thats anchored to you. See? But first it has to be revealed to you. 58 Someone come not long ago, a group of men, some of them listening in tonight, and told me, said... I kept telling them, Go to Kentucky; oils down there. I knew it was; I seen it in a vision. Well, Brother Demas and them didnt go for a long time. After while, finally, they said (after Texas had moved in)--and they said, Now, were going down. I said, You ought to have went a long time ago. But they didnt do it. Demas said, I made a great mistake in that, by not doing that, Brother Branham. I said, If youd have went down there, youd have had it all. Well, they wouldnt listen to it. Then the first... Then fore we left that night (the--the place where we were having lunch) the Holy Spirit showed me a great crack in the earth, and in that was full of oil, and these overflows in Kentucky was just little beds of oil that they were pumping from, but this one come from the main stream. And I said, Brother Demas, its there. So they went to searching for it. Said, Go down and tell us where the--where the oil well is. I said, Oh, no. No, no. 66 See, we dont use the gift of God for commercial. No, no. He could tell me where it was at, but I dont have any need of it. I wouldnt even have faith enough to ask Him. See? If I had a need of it, I believe if Id ask Him, Hed tell me. But first (You see?), your motives and objectives has to be right. You have to have reasons for this. God dont give you those things just because you ask. And you cannot ask in faith unless theres a real objective to that, to be in the will of God. See? If you want to be well, what do you want to be well for? See? If you want to be healed, whats the reason you want to be healed? What are you telling God? What do you want to do with you life when you get healed? See? Theres got to be... Youve got to have a motive and objective, and they have to be right according to the will of God. And thens when the faith is revealed to you, and God by His sovereign grace places that faith in there, then its over. See? Now. See? 67 Now, to make that Word true, when the brethren got down there, they got... One fellow went over and bought a bunch of stuff, and sold leases, and cheated the other one this way. I said, You see, it wont work. Now, just to make the prophecy sure, within a hundred yards of where these men were digging their well, some man struck the big gusher. And its there, eleven hundred barrels of oil in a half a day, or something or other like that: still putting it out, right in that main stream. But just to make the prophecy, the Word that had been said that it was there, it was there. The rest of them nearlys all dried up, everywhere through Kentucky. Little ponds, they pump them a little while, and they go. Its only the overflow from this. See? 68 But because of the selfishness got among it, the objectives was wrong, signing up a bunch of stuff it would be this way, when they promised they would do it for the Kingdom of God, but looked like its for themselves. See? And it wont work; no selfish thing will work. Your motives and objectives has to be exactly, perfectly right, then you have faith there. If our hearts condemn us not, then we have confidence. See, see? Weve got to have confidence. I want this to the honor and glory of God. Then faith has a--a channel to move into; if it doesnt, then youve got mental, intellectual faith, and not genuine faith from God. That intellectual faith will get you nowhere. Might get you emotional, but it wont get you the healing that youre looking for. 70 So Job, checking himself with the genuine faith that God had give to him that he was just, that he had done everything that God required him to do... Now, when were going to be prayed for for our sickness, I wonder if we have done everything that God requires us to do. Have we followed every iota of the Scripture? Have we give Him our hearts and lives to service? Whats the reason you want to be healed? Thats the reason you cant get faith enough (See?), because you havent maybe made this thing to God sincerely from your heart. Like Hezekiah did, give God the reason, he wanted to set his--his kingdom in order. And God sent His prophet back and told him, and hed be healed. See? But you have to have those things made right first. So then as soon as you get to these places and know that its been revealed to you by the Word of God, by the revelation, by the Word that God requires you to do, then you have faith, genuine faith. 72 Now, just like Abraham when he was ninety and nine years old (I believe Genesis 17)... God appeared to this old man now, ninety and nine years old, when he was almost a hundred years old, that had been waiting upon that promise all these years, He appeared to him in the name of El Shaddai, the Breasted-one. And what an encouragement it was, yet the promise wasnt fulfilled then. But, Abraham, I am the Almighty God, El Shaddai, the Strength-giver, the Breasted God. 73 Like Ive told you before, like the little baby thats fretting, and sick, and crying, and it lays upon its mothers breast and nurses its strength back from her, because its satisfied while its a-nursing, because the only access it has and knows of is the mothers breast. It knows no dose of medicine. You might give him a dose of medicine; hed squeal and cry, give him a shot in the arm, and hed carry on. But the only access to satisfy him is the mothers breast. 74 And He said, Abraham, youre old; your strength is gone; your arms are withered up; your manhoods gone; but I am your Mother. Just take ahold of My promise, and be satisfied while youre waiting. Be rested. Now, thats the way every believer, no matter how bad the cancers got you, how long you been setting in a wheelchair, any of those things, just if you can grasp that revelation from God, then be satisfied, knowing that its going to happen, because faith waits patiently for the promise. See? 76 Job knew that he was right. When we find out here in the Scriptures, that there was these fellows come to him (his church members). Everything that once seemed dear to him had turned against him, and tried to accuse him of being a secret sinner, because all these things had happened to him. You hear people, yet today, say, I told you. Look at him. You see what... That aint altogether the truth. Sometime its God testing His people. In this case it was God testing Job, the best man there was on earth at the time. Now, He was holding him there, because that He knew Job was a prophet that had a vision from God, that he had exactly done what God told him to do and he... God was duty bound to keep His promise to him. 77 Oh. All Christians has got to be that. When the last struggle of our life comes, and death rattles are in our throat, we still must hold steady and remember that God said, Ill raise you up again at the last day. See? Got to hold that--that, our testimony, our place in Christ, our position, what we are, knowing that we have kept every Word of His commandment. Blessed are they that do His commandments that they might have the right to enter in. See? And when we know, that no matter what anyone has said, weve kept every commandment that we see in the Bible, that God has done us--told us to do, with reverence, and love, and respect to the Creator Who wrote the Bible... We say, Man wrote It. Men of old moved by the Holy Ghost wrote It. See, see? God wrote It through men. Like a prophet speaks His Word; its not the prophets word; its Gods Word (See?) through the prophet. Thats the reason it has to come to pass, if its truly the Truth. 80 Now, we see this great man. And, remember, Job had no Bible to read in his day. No. He only went by inspiration. He was a prophet to whom the Word of the Lord comes to. He had--he had only to be inspired, because he knowed his position that he was Gods prophet. Now, the only thing had to happen, was for the inspiration to strike him. And then he knowed what he said would happen, because it was by inspiration. Thats what the church, if its in order (set in order), it only... Its got the mechanics ready; it only needs then the dynamics. Tonight if well get the mechanics ready, get our hearts right, the things that we can do, follow every Word, follow Him in baptism, follow Him in every order that He told us to do, get every mechanic ready, and stand there; then were ready for the dynamics to be let off, and only God can do that; and thats to drop into your heart that faith that says, I am now healed. Then dont make any difference what circumstances is, youre healed anyhow; cause its faith, by faith youre healed. 82 He had a channel of communication to God, that hed got by inspiration. He had a way of moving himself out and letting God move in. And he knowed he was justified. It was a gift; it was a gift for the people; not for Job, but for the people. Thats what all Divine gifts are, to serve Gods people with. Everybodys not ordered to be a prophet. All of you not--is not ordered to be pray for the sick. All of thems not ordered to be pastors, and so forth. But its a channel that God has opened to them. And as we had this morning in the lesson, that he... One man has no business deviating in the next mans channel, no matter how inspired, how much it seems, how well... How many was at the meeting this morning? Lets see your hand. So see? See, you cannot. 83 Theres David, just as inspired as he could be, all the people shouting and glorifying God, for a reason that seemed exactly Scripture, but he was the wrong person. That inspiration should have come to Nathan, not David. See? He never even consulted Nathan. You see what happened? See? We have... God said He does nothing till He reveals It to His servants the prophets. And Job was His prophet in this day. Now, only thing God had done to Job: What always give him wisdom and His Word and inspiration, he could get no inspiration. But he knowed all of his mechanics... He had offered the burnt-offering; he had done everything he knowed to do was right, but he couldnt get a word from God. But the Devil couldnt move him. There you are. Now, there you are when youre prayed for. You dont have to run back through a line, or go let somebody else pray for you. When you know youve done exactly what God told you to do (See?), then wait for that channel of inspiration to open up to you and Now, Im healed. When it drops in there, then its all over. Oh, you dont need no prayer lines, nothing else; its over. Its been revealed to you. See? 86 Just like the old prophet at the coming of the Lord Jesus, we find out it was revealed to him, the old sage, that he would not see death until he seen the Lords Christ. And he believed that, and he waited for it. And the people thought he was crazy, the old man had lost his mind. But he still believed it. Nothing could shake him from it; he knowed God had revealed it to him, for the Bible said it was revealed to him by the Holy Ghost. Simeon coming into the temple at that minute, walked over and give praise to God, and said, Let Thy servant depart in peace, when he picked up the baby, mine eyes have seen Thy salvation. See? he knowed he was going to see it. No matter how many babies hed visit each day, he knew God had revealed to him that he was going to see the Christ before he died. Simeon believed that. Now, when its revealed to you, that you yourself has received Gods promise... The inspiration, you being Christians, it struck you, you dont even need a prayer line. The thing... The only thing you need is a open heart when all the mechanics are ready, and let the inspiration drop in, and then nothing can change your mind; youve got it. Outside of that, it wont do no good. 89 Now, notice, Job needed a channel of inspiration; he had it open. He had a channel to communicate with God by His inspiration. He had a way of moving himself out and let the Word of God move in. Notice how they--how they come to consult him from the east and from the west, people looking for him because they know that what Job said was the truth. They knowed that man told the truth. Because what he prophesied, thats what happened. And so people come from the east and west. He said hed go over to the markets, the young princes from the east would bow before him just to hear one word of consolation from him, great and mighty wisdom, cause they knowed the man was honest. He didnt want to boast up himself; he had no axes to grind, no strings to pull; he was just a honest prophet before God. And they had confidence in him, and everybody come from the east and west just to speak to him in a moment. Hes spoke of, in the Bible here. But, you see, he lacked inspiration to tell him what all this was about. God let it happen, and didnt tell him. 91 Then, one day, we find out that in that, thats the time that... Everybody, as long as you can help them, all right. But when they want to disagree with you, thats when trouble comes in. But he alone knew he was right; his pulsation of faith, of hearing Gods Word speak to him, he knew it was the truth. Yes, sir. He knew Gods Voice. Nobody could fool him on It, for he knew It. It... But whenever you--somethings revealed to you, maybe contrary to what the people think... Im speaking in the line of prophets. Once God reveals something, which, if there ever is a secret comes out from God to be made known to the people, it will never come through a seminary; it will never come through a group of people; it never did. It always will, has, and will, through one individual, a prophet: Amos 3:7 (See?), The Lord does nothing except first He reveals it through His prophets. 92 And, now, Job had something wrong with him, but he couldnt get the inspiration on him, and it was worrying him, and that... When you get in that kind of a fix, thats when the enemy moves into every friend, nearly, you got. And they begin to accuse him. Oh, it must have been a miserable thing for him to know his friends that accused him; Satan then goes and joins himself with the enemy. Thats when Satan comes in, Let me have him, and Ill make him curse You to Your... Ill make him deny his Message. Ill make him curse You. Ill make him go back and say it was all wrong. Then he tried him with everything he could, to all the great men and the friends that he used to have. But Job stood flatfooted, for he knew he had heard Gods Voice. O God, help tomorrow night that I can get that Wings Of A Dove. See? I heard the Voice of God that said something, and its going to happen that way. Just the same as these other things has happened, its going to happen. 94 Now, Job knew it was going to happen. And he knowed that God had told him that, that he was just. But they made him a sinner, so he waited then for the inspiration. Satan getting in all the--the people and he come around the--his comforters, the so-called, and accused him, but it didnt move him a bit. But when the Word of God became vindicated to him... He had heard of God by the hearing of the ear, but one day setting out at his lowest point... And while he was setting there, and everyone accusing him, even his wife telling him he was wrong; he was scraping his boils; and Elihu came down and rebuked him for being selfish, about the way he was accusing God and so forth. And then at that time it was when inspiration struck him, thats when the lightning begin to flash, the thunders begin to roar; thats when the inspiration struck the prophet, and he raised up, and he said, I know my Redeemer liveth. And at the last days Hell stand upon this earth. Though the skin-worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God, Whom I shall see for myself. 96 He saw... Hed been talking about the trees, the botany life, how it dies and lives again; water brings it back again, the smell of water, the scent of water, the results of water pouring upon a tree or something, a seed that went in the ground. He said, But a man layeth down; he giveth up the ghost; his children come to honor and he perceive it not. O that Thou would hide me in the grave (Job 14) till Thy wrath be past. He said, But if a man dies, shall he live again? All the appointed times of my life, Ill wait till my change comes. Thou wilt call me, and Ill answer. Thou hast appoint me bounds that I cannot pass, so forth. He knowed all these things. He watched the tree live, but what happened to a man when he died? He didnt raise up again. So God was showing him this Redeemer. 97 He wanted to see if there was somebody who could intercede for him. He had interceded for so many people, but now is there somebody can speak for him? Could there somebody put his hand on Job, or on a sinful man and a holy God, and make bridge the way? Could he go to His house and knock at the door? Would He open the door and talk to him awhile? But then when the inspiration dropped into his heart, then he could see God. The lightnings a-flashing, the thunders a-roaring, and when it did, he stood upon his feet, and he said, I know my Redeemer liveth--my Redeemer, and at the last days Hell stand on the earth. See? he had begin to see Gods reaction to his faith. 99 Now, we wonder if we could see God. Is there a way that we could see Him? Now, it was the only way God had trying Job
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 08:36:49 +0000

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