I have heard friends and family recently say they are depressed - TopicsExpress


I have heard friends and family recently say they are depressed with their life. They are always complaining about the problems in their life, the bad things that happen to them, and how they are so stress out about the everyday issue they are facing—they feel sorry for themselves. My philosophy of life is, I will plan my bad days and I have no stress in my life—I am FANTASTIC. Attitude is the most important factor in the success of your life. Being a joyful Christian is based on you attitude towards what the LORD has done for you. Personally, I don’t like being around people who have a hard time finding anything good in life. I learned a long time ago, 80% of the people you know could care less what is happening to you, the other 20% are glad that it is happening to you. So, be positive about your life and what you have. You are more blessed that you realize. I am grateful for the life that the LORD has given me. As I look back over the past 66 years of my life, I can see how the LORD has led me to where I am today. In each area of my life the hand of the LORD has been there to direct my ways. From my education, marriage, ministry, and career the LORD has been faithful to provide my life with much joy. That is not to say there have been no times of sorrow and stress, into each life there will be sorrow and stress. How we deal with these difficult times in our life has much to do with how we have followed in the steps of the LORD. It is only because the LORD directed my life that I was able to find a faithful woman who would become my wife of these 46 years. Had I gone in the direction of my choosing there is a strong possibility that I would not be living today. It is only from following the will of the LORD that my wife and I have been blessed with three sons and thirteen grandchildren. As I think about how the choices of my life have had an impact on the lives of so many, I am glad for the direction the LORD has led my life. Thinking back, had I followed a different path I would not be blessed today with a wife that loves me for who I am, three sons who have chosen good wives, thirteen grandchildren who are kind and loving, and all the good people in my life who have been a blessing. This past week a grandson asked, how much I got paid for preaching. When I told him I receive only a housing allowance and reimbursement for some mileage he was surprised and said, “Then you must enjoy preaching to keep do this for so many years”. Time did not allow for me to explain that this is not something that I elected to do. This is something the LORD decided for me. For the 46 year of my ministry money has not been the deciding factor of where I minister. I have worked to provide the income for my family so I did not burden the church with a financial commitment that would create a hardship on the members. What has been the stabilizing factor is, “LORD, I did not ask for this job, so you will have to help me understand why I am here?” The LORD has been faithful to do just that. For a total of 29 years we have been honored to minister at Sugar Plain Friends Church, in Thorntown and the LORD has blessed us with so many Christian brothers and sisters. There have been times I have had to ask the LORD to explain, why I am here, and He has and so I continue to stay. After watching the struggles my father and father-in-law had with people in their congregations, I never wanted to be a pastor. Yet, here I am doing the very thing I never wanted to do and the LORD has made it a blessing. There are times my wife will say, for someone having four degrees . . . well you can fill in the blank. I started my education at Union Bible Seminary in 1967. From 1969-1987 I received an education in the school of hard knocks. By 1993 I had completed a BA in Communications, MA in Christians Education, MED in Curriculum Development, and a Th.D in Theology. This would never have happened had I followed my own path. The LORD has truly blessed me with a life that is far better than I could have planned. Teaching has been much of my life as any career I have had over the past 50 years. Teaching is not about how much knowledge you have, but your ability to explain, so other can understand the knowledge you are trying to convey. My 35 years of being involved in the field of education has been an exciting and rewarding career. Today, I am still in contact with students I had in the beginning of my teaching career. Sharing in their lives has been a blessing. Knowing that I have had a part in helping mold their lives and seeing them successful is rewarding. My life has been blessed because the LORD has shown me that His will is better than my will. Yes, there will be sorrow and stress but the LORD will be there to help you through the problems of life. There are those whose lives are so messed up that only the LORD can help, if you want a better life then allow the LORD to direct your life. The personal relationship you can have with the LORD will change your life for the better and you will look back and see how rewarding your life been because the will of the LORD is greater than your will.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 15:29:54 +0000

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