I have heard of good and bad news about another puppy in Cabeks - TopicsExpress


I have heard of good and bad news about another puppy in Cabeks litter. I was unable to read it for myself, as I was blocked from the site when I posted Cabeks results and the girls got their feathers ruffled. Good news, the puppy tested N/N for DM. The bad news, was the gloating that was associated with the post in 3 places. Please, be grateful not boastful - be thankful your puppy is negative/thus far healthy. I would give anything for my puppy to be both negative for DM/healthy. It hurts my heart to hear of gloating while another puppy has 3 congenital/inherited diseases, another will inherit A/A, and 4 will carry this allele. Wow. I also was told, that when someone commented that it means that 2 carriers were bred together, the post was removed immediately. That in and of itself answers the questions. If it is still unclear, or unbelievable: Knowing that there is one A/A and one N/N absolutely confirms very sadly that 2 carrier dogs were bred together. Who.... does that. This means that of the 8 puppies in this litter (2 did not survive so we dont know their answers), that 2 will be N/N, 2 will be A/A (Cabek and one other puppy), and 4 will be A/N carriers like the 2 parents. This is very sad to me as an owner of 2 rescue dogs where you pays your money and you takes your chances. But, to wait 2 years, for the right puppy of the right litter for this kind of money to have a puppy with a congenital liver disease, ED and to learn that there will be other dogs affected with at risk/carrier status---- is both sickening and disheartening. The very LEAST a person can expect, is a healthy puppy. This also means that any puppy of the sire has a 50% chance of inheriting A or a 50% chance of inheriting N for DM, AND any puppy of the dam has a 50% chance of inheriting A or a 50% chance of inheriting N for DM. This is a nothing less than a disease of torture that will strike without warning in middle - later age. Hopefully, dams of other puppies are not affected or carrier. Perhaps that is a question in and of itself. Yes I asked about testing, yes I asked about results of testing. Yes, I believed what I was told. Yes I expected the documents to come with puppy. Yes I asked again, yes I demanded when Cabek was diagnosed. Yes I kept written communication, screen shots, etc. No, I am not angry any longer but I am determined that Cabeks life and afflictions are not for naught. I have shared his story as objectively as I could for the benefit of others learning that yes, these things CAN happen: YES, they can happen to your puppy too. When you consider a breeder puppy ---- do NOT consider until you have the parentage results of EVERYTHING in your hands, to look at with your own eyes. Research your pedigrees, make SURE that the pedigree is true. Make SURE that both parents have current registration with AKC, CKC, SV, whatever..... so that you are SURE that your puppy can be registered. Words mean nothing, documents mean everything, science doesnt lie (although, there are times it does not give you the answer you want). Talk to previous owners, demand a list of references, yes - demand it. If you cannot put your hands on any of that ---- RUN - no matter what you think, no matter what you are told, no matter how beautiful the sire/dam ------- RUN - and continue to do your homework. Do not be fooled by beauty: they are all beautiful in their own ways. KNOW that you have a healthy dog with little risk. And, when you find good health, negative results - be grateful, truly thankful.... not boastful. It is very ugly, and hurtful to those who love a beautiful puppy with an amazing personality, a hell of a lot of courage, but - who lives a life of a lot of risk. What he has experienced is NO game.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 15:53:29 +0000

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