I have heard people argue that people abuse the welfare system. I - TopicsExpress


I have heard people argue that people abuse the welfare system. I do not doubt that, human nature being what it is. There is always going to be someone who will try to milk a system. But the fact is, you can’t get food stamps for yourself as an individual unless you make less than $1100 per month, and you have to prove it. They don’t just give it to you. To receive Temporary Aid for Needy Families (TANF) you have to have qualifying children. To receive SSI, you must be disabled. And here are the facts: Statistics have clearly shown that by far, the recipients of SNAP benefits and most other public assistance, include mostly the elderly, small children, and the disabled. Not to mention, if you draw Social Security Insurance because you are elderly or disabled, you HAVE paid into it. welfare queen mythThese programs are designed to assist both those who only need a short period of assistance, and those who need long term help due mainly to poor health, disability or age. The statistics show the number of people who receive benefits for 7 months or less (19%) to be almost identical to the number who receive it longer than 5 years (19.6%). The largest group is of people who receive assistance between 2 and 5 years, at 26.9%. This makes sense, because it seems two to five years is a reasonable amount of time to get your life turned around, in event of catastrophe, childbirth, college attendance, job loss, etc. Then there’s the Earned Income Credit (EIC). This is considered a Welfare benefit by the government, but how many people do you know who take this credit at tax time? Maybe next time someone complains about Welfare recipients, you can encourage them to forego claiming the EIC on their taxes next year and see what they say. The media is not helping, as Fox News hosts suggest Welfare recipients shouldn’t even be allowed air conditioning. That’s pretty hateful, if you ask me. The idea that if a person needs public assistance they should also suffer without air conditioning, access to a phone or television, internet, etc., is ridiculous. Anyone who has tried to find a job lately will tell you a phone and internet access are vital to being hired. They certainly will not be able to get off public assistance without them.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 16:17:18 +0000

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