I have held off commenting on what I think our poem means but its - TopicsExpress


I have held off commenting on what I think our poem means but its becoming clearer now, at least my interpretation, and what a stunning surprise. When we began I started with a simple line that I came up with at 3:14 in the middle of the night about two weeks ago. Also with it came the idea to share the line with all of you and turn it into a community story - our poem. As I selected various lines from you over those weeks I did so not knowing exactly where it was going - is this about my mother? Is this about my/us loosing our childhood and fear of the road ahead? Is this about a general loss of innocence? I wondered, I tried to be a detective and search for the clues of what it all meant, the poem and the general exercise itself. And today, it has become clear! Read the words carefully and I think youll see that this is in fact, about us! Your heart is my heart... I think its rather magnificent, that by chance or nature, or Gods great will if you so inclined - that we have created a poem about us, about community, about man and our ultimate connection as One. Ive said all alone, my fears are your fears, my joys are your joys, my sorrows are your sorrows, my hope is your hope... my yesterdays are your yesterdays and the future belongs to us all. Isnt that what this poem is saying? This isnt about me. It isnt about you, its about all of us... here, everywhere. I think Ill look for a few more lines and then well bring this to a close in the next few days. Ill try not to put my will on it, instead close my eyes, quiet my breath and open my heart and connect to it and all of you. Im in awe today.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Feb 2014 16:08:01 +0000

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