I have just finished praying Fajr and whilst in prayer it was like - TopicsExpress


I have just finished praying Fajr and whilst in prayer it was like the dust settled. Yesterday was a dreamy daze, all the movement, excitement and emotions that got me to where I am in the world right now suddenly settled into my chest and my heart burst open, the tears wouldnt stop flowing. What a Merciful Merciful God I serve. I arrived in DC around 6am and Al Hamdullilah my entrance into the US was smooth. The Kennedy Arts Centre had arranged for a limousine to collect me and my driver was gentle Eritrean man who shared alot with me about the history of his people as we drove into the waking city. As we drove over the Virginia river I noticed it was spring time, seeing all the trees with new life blooming upon them in a variety of pastel colours made me remember how much I love this season of new beginnings. Early morning birds were making their pilgrimages across the sky, it was stunning. When we approached the road of my hotel I saw my loved ones waiting for me outside, I was so excited I tried to jump out of the car whilst it was still moving. Luckily for us all the door was locked from the inside otherwise I may have been telling a different story! ;) Seeing them all waiting for me was a perfect welcome we hugged, kissed, screamed, laughed I couldnt believe that we were all here together in Washington DC. They took me to my lovely spacious room where we all caught up, I couldnt stop staring at my husband, I couldnt believe we were together. I kept expecting to wake up from an especially realistic dream. But its true, I really am here. The weather was perfect and Washington DC is famous in the springtime for its Cherry Blossom trees that look like tribes of pink butterflies across the city. Throughout the day I was in an inner state of absolute gratitude and serenity, I was tired but not tired, hungry but not hungry but entirely at peace. I had just arrived from Africa because my Lord had wanted me to be here at this very moment, Everything felt Golden. The Kennedy Arts Centre is a prestigious art space very much like the Southbank in London and its the first time they have organised a Hip Hop festival there so it was a bit of a big deal, the festival was almost a month long and has hosted Lauryn Hill, Nas, MC Lyte, Jean Grae and many more artists from all over the world, literally it really was a big deal for us to be invited to perform on this stage (Big shout out to Greg Schick & Magee McIlvaine for putting us forward) When we met the guys who had worked tirelessly to make sure we made it here it was like a massive family reunion and made me think of the saying We are all instruments in the Hand of God He can give His Goodness to His servants through however His wills through whoever He wills. Russell Simmons opened the show talking about the role of spirituality in art and he then went to watch the show that was hosted by my brother The Narcicyst a super-dope Iraqi/Canadian rapper that I have respected for a while but we met for the first time yesterday. As we sat back stage I surprised myself by how calm I was, I usually suffer from serious pre-performance nerves and usually this would have been especially intensified considering who was watching and knowing that Talib Kweli, one of my all time favourite rappers was in the building. but I felt very calm and peaceful, I truly felt like my Lord is fully in control of everything and He wouldnt bring me this far not to open doors of goodness for us and the audience. Muneera and I have not performed together as Poetic Pilgrimage since last Ramadan and havent even seen each other for 4 months but when we were back on stage it was as though we had never been apart, it was magnetic! and we were joined on stage by the incredible Native Sun who completely rocked as well as the amazing DJ Boo! It was great fun and I feel we were well received. After the show I think the adrenaline that had been keeping me going throughout the day was starting to seep out of me but we still had a panel discussion to do with all the other artists about the role of Faith and Hip Hop and our personal experiences as artists, it was amazing their were artists from the Muslim, Christian and Sikh traditions who use Hip Hop as an outlet and it was amazing to hear the different experiences. I especially loved hearing from Talib Kweli his insight was very valuable. Whilst I was praying this morning I contemplated on the fact that 2 days ago I was sitting on the beach in Dakar crying, thinking I would not be able to be here - I realised only Allah could have facilitated this trip with such beauty, ease and perfection, even the hardship was part of the perfection of this trip. The weather, the hotel, my beloveds, the people, the performance, the audience everything has been so particularly beautiful, a perfection that only a Gracious God could have planned so perfectly. Al Hamdullilah. Al Hamdullilah. Al Hamdullilah.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 12:32:31 +0000

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