I have just made a new pastor friend. This is my first sharing - TopicsExpress


I have just made a new pastor friend. This is my first sharing with him over doctrinal controversies/heresies. I would be very appreciative of opinions from those interested Are you aware of the doctrine of the early church immediately after Jesus crucifixion/offering of Himself? His followers had been personally taught by Jesus for three and a half years and immediately after Jesus death, and before any chance of strange doctrine/teaching creeping in, Jesus’ followers “according to the commandment” Luke 23:56 , kept the Sabbath, not even using the anointing of Jesus’ body as an excuse to make an exception. This is the first scriptural record of the early uncorrupted church’s teaching on commandment keeping. So how is it that ‘christianity’ is keeping the first day of the week as a Sabbath? After all; Isn’t it true that God is not the author of confusion? Read if you will , Ezekiel chapter 8 and all 18 verses. See how of all abominations, God puts sun worship at the top of the list? Why then, if God is not the author of confusion, and Jesus is the living word, would Jesus not have told His followers of another day? (Hebrews 4: 4 to 12) He obviously didn’t, because His followers were convinced that keeping the Sabbath in preference to anointing Jesus’ body for burial was the way to go ; “according to the commandment.” There has been a hoodwinking pulled on the Christian faith by the roman church, in history past popes have even ordered the death of Sabbath keepers for Sabbath keeping, when according to him/the pope, they should be keeping the “venerable day of the sun”. This is the roman religion’s first challenge to the authority of the ten commandments, and it is a crucial one. The word says “remember” when speaking of the fourth commandment, and ties it in with the Creation ; “for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth etc”. Rome has taught the world to ‘forget’. By doing this, the roman pontiff insinuates himself superior to God, “thinking to change times and laws” see Daniel 7:25 Are you aware of these scriptures and reasonings brother? God willing you will pray about this, that the Spirit of Truth will prevail in our hearts and minds to direct us to please by obedience our Creator/Saviour.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 02:31:36 +0000

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