I have just now decided to write one of my stories that I had been - TopicsExpress


I have just now decided to write one of my stories that I had been meaning to write for a long time! I just did NOT have the desire or strength to do it, actually before now, due to all the very sad changes in my life this year! So I hope you enjoy! Last year My daughter Sis & her husband Raul were thinking of buying a 5th wheeler! You know, the one that is really beautiful inside & that you can tow & live in it anywhere in style! I had never seen one inside, so they invited me to accompany them one day as they were going to see some to see if they liked any! I got ready, put my makeup on & away we went. When we got to the place, sis opened the car door for me & took one look at my face, & put her face closer to take a better look at my face. Mom, she exclaimed in horror, you lined your eyebrows in purple!!! What do you mean, I lined my eyebrows purple---I lined them in black, the same color I ALWAYS line them! Mom, she insisted after looking at them closely, right up in my face, they are definitely purple!!! Well, you didnt notice them before, so I doubt anyone will notice them now! Besides, Id rather have nicely lined purple eyebrows than my uneven, scraggly ones anyway! Are you sure, she asked doubtfully. Maybe you should just rub the color off with a tissue! No, no, I insisted. No one will notice, Im sure. So, how in the world did you manage to line them in purple, mom, she asked increduosley. Well, I told her, I bought some new eye makeup with about 85 colors in the box & I just looked for the darkest one, without my glasses I might add, & thats the one I used! It looked black to me! Well, she added, laughing, obviously it wasnt! We went on into the building where the sales lady was waiting for them, and I thought, I wonder if shell notice my eyebrows. Sis introduced me, & we said hello & shook hands. She didnt seem to have noticed them, so I decided to ask her, did you notice I have purple eyebrows on??? She looked at me closely, & said, Ill be darned they ARE purple, arent they? Yep, I answered, They sure are! What do you think of them? Poor lady! She became flustered, but recovered nicely & said she thought they looked fine! Quite colorful, in fact. I laughed & explained what had happened, & she thought that was so funny. Well, as we we were leaving, the sales manager came out to talk to Sis & Raul & they introduced me to him, also. As we shook hands, I asked him, Do you like my purple eyebrows? as I lifted them up & down, glancing at him sideways suggestively! He kept shaking my hand as he bent down so close to my eyebrows that we could have touched noses, which Is when I noticed his nostrils had a few hairs protruding from them! As he breathed, I saw that they swayed back & forth in the slight breeze! We were that close! However, I kept my cool, & gave no indication that I was about to burst with laughter! Not only about his nose hairs, but also my purple eyebrows! He was quite the gentleman, bless him, & said my eyebrows looked quite nice & fashionable! I told him Thank you and glanced down at my hand, which he seemed reluctant to stop shaking as long as I had life in my body! He apologized profusely & even had trouble disengaging his hand from mine, but finally succeeded to the relief of both of us! As we drove away, I noticed he did not wave at us, as he was busy rubbing his hand, trying to revive it I think!!! Well thats it my dears! I hope you enjoyed my story! I enjoyed telling it! Love you all! Take care & God bless you always!
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 20:01:28 +0000

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