I have just sent the following to Elizabeth May, Justin Trudeau, - TopicsExpress


I have just sent the following to Elizabeth May, Justin Trudeau, Thomas Mulcair and my MP, Murray Ranking: Hello Distinguished Parliamentarians... I am a voter in the Federal riding currently held by Murray Rankin. I am normally a Liberal voter and occasional donor. However, for the coming 2015 election, while I have donated to the Liberal Party for their national campaign, I will be voting for Murray Rankin. I, and many people I know, are totally disgusted with the Conservative Party that is currently running this country. There is very little that they have done that I could praise. Several things stand out, though, and one of the most horrific to me, a 1960s peace activist, is the scene in Parliament when the vote was taken to join the coalition against ISIS. The sight of Harper grinning from ear to ear and his caucus cheering and applauding was appalling (I hope you will all use this clip in your campaign advertising suitably!). Surely, the idea of sending people to kill or be killed should be done solemnly and with sadness...not exuberance! Elizabeth May has just announced that former CBC Victoria host Jo-Ann Roberts will be running for the Green Party here in my riding. I must say, I am really disappointed. Just because the Conservatives ran third in this riding in the by-election does not mean that they will not be capable of winning the coming election. To split the vote in this riding is terribly short-sighted. I know that Ms. May believes that the Greens are attracting new voters rather than taking votes away from other parties, but I think this is more of a hope than a reality. My most fervent hope is for the Liberals, Greens and NDP to cooperate as much as possible during the coming election. To refrain from attacking each other and concentrate all your advertising dollars against the Conservatives. Elect as many non-Conservatives as you can (if you cooperate), form a coalition government if necessary after the election and work to reverse all the evils that have been unleashed on us by the Harper Conservatives. As a Political Science and History major in my undergraduate days long ago, I know this is a big ask. But think of the consequences of another 5 years of Harper government! We truly will NOT recognize Canada anymore. Sincerely, Cynthia Swoveland Victoria BC
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 00:55:37 +0000

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