I have just sent this letter to Messrs Prentice, Dirks and Young - TopicsExpress


I have just sent this letter to Messrs Prentice, Dirks and Young (my local MLA on the matter of Gay Straight Alliances: Dear Messrs. Prentice, Dirks and Young, I havent always liked the PC government, but for the first time I can say I am completely and utterly ashamed of it. The decision to spike Ms. Blakemans Bill 202 in favour of Bill 10 is shameful. You suggest it does pretty much the same thing, but thats a flat out lie. You suggest there already a bunch of groups dealing with bullying and 94 GSAs, thats nice, but its not the same. The point of Ms. Blakemans Bill was to ensure that GSAs could be started wherever students decide there should be one, not just in nice, progressive urban schools. She was trying to empower our young people to take responsibility for the rights and safety of their friends and fellow students. Bill 10 will not grant that power- will not give that voice to young people, in fact it will muzzle it. I always wondered if Alberta was a province that respected the human rights of all, you know in a way that says, All humans have the same rights. Period. Full stop. Apparently the answer is no. It appears that social and religious conservatives have more rights that GBLTQ people and their supporters. Thats wrong and unfair. It sends a message that some people are more okay than other people, especially if some people are more likely to vote PC. Disgusting. But what really fries my bacon even more is what you are doing to children who might be interested in the political process and human rights. This law says that not only do they have to go to their Principal - a scary prospect at best, but, if refused, go to the School Board- even more scary. And if that doesnt work - and it likely wont - they then have to find the technical and financial support to actually go to court? Really? You actually think this is a constructive legislative proposal? You seem to want to ensure that the kids currently in high school receive a clear message that the political process does not and will not serve them. Rather it will throw barriers in their way any time they hope to bring good and justice to the world. You are telling them they have no voice and arent likely to get a voice anytime soon. Well, on the plus side, I guess you are teaching them early how a PC government really works. GSAs are proven to help kids and lower suicide numbers. I should think that as leaders and parents you would be falling all over yourselves to see a drop in teen suicide. Apparently not. You should each and all be ashamed. Rev. Brian Kiely Unitarian Church of Edmonton
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 23:54:11 +0000

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