I have know idea where many that are grieving the loss of Zach - TopicsExpress


I have know idea where many that are grieving the loss of Zach stand spiritually. My heart is so heavy with my own mourning as well as for the family and friends and also the multitude of people I saw at his visitation last night that were complete strangers to me. The one thing I know is that my God is a God of hope. His grace and mercy offer peace and comfort like no other. This life is so fleeting. As I am in the fifth decade of my life I really have come to know just how fast it goes. I dont understand why some are taken so young. Especially those that are like Zach that have such a zest for life and such a BIG heart to love and serve others. But I do know that God has a plan and purpose. I told a friend last night that Zach was able to be Jesus with skin on for so many. By that I dont mean he was a God. But that he lived the moments of his life trying to love others like Jesus. Was Zach perfect? No. But we all are humans, none of us perfect. However, in his 19 years he impacted so many lives. I ask myself this question...Terry, what do you do for others? How do you treat others? Do you love and serve without boundaries? Do you forgive freely? I must admit I fail terribly most days. I want to have a BIG heart. I want to love others and be a friend like the example that a BIG precious country boy has set. I want to start, by this morning making a whole in the roof and carrying my friends to Jesus. I want to live out that story in scripture and serve, love, and actually take action and effort to help my friends. Please know that God has a plan. Scripture tells us just that in Jeremiah 29:11. Yes, God indeed does have BIG plans for us! We may not always understand it. At times we may even have to tie a knot in it and hold on! Hold to faith. Dear family I am laying each of you before Jesus. Im praying you will be surrounded by love on this day as well as the days to come. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 13:41:42 +0000

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