I have learned some seriously valuable life lessons over the past - TopicsExpress


I have learned some seriously valuable life lessons over the past two years. 1. No relationship is perfect. 2. The grass is NOT always greener on the other side. 3. All things require work. Nothing will grow if you sit on your rump and stare at it. 4. Words are words and actions are actions. Words mean nothing unless an action follows. 5. You have to fight for love. Because it wont fight for itself. And last but not least. I thought I would have the same group of friends until I died. But I out grew some of them. In friendship there are boundaries and respect and honor. I kept some of my life long friends along with some great new friends. And I couldnt be more grateful for them for sticking by my side through my little rough patch. You guys know who you are and I love you. So here it is 6. People who dont have the same respect for you as you do for them dont belong in your life. They only drag you down!.. Bloodsuckers.. Im so happy that I am where I am. I wouldnt want it any other way.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 02:20:01 +0000

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