I have many wonderful friends who are Scottish and I have to say I - TopicsExpress


I have many wonderful friends who are Scottish and I have to say I think very highly of all of them. Some are Yes some are No and I completely respect their views and vote on that. The saddest part of this whole referendum is that in my mind, it has slowly driven a wedge not only between the rUK and Scotland but from what I have been told by some friends north of the border, between actual Scots themselves. Talk of Yes supporters bullying, vandalising and threatening No supporters is awful and unacceptable, if that’s patriotism then it surely has no place in a civilised country? I accept that this is no doubt a minority of individuals but Alex Salmond seems have done a brilliant job of appealing to vague emotion and anti-English sentiment without actually answering any of the key questions. How he has got things to 50/50 I have no idea, but it seems that is where we are. The reality is that either way the vote goes, the people of the UK or Scotland will adapt and make it work, that’s human nature. The sad thing now I think is that whichever way it goes now, Yes or No there will be a great deal of bad feeling that we will all need to overcome. Scotland will no doubt be divided too. A lot of damage has been done to the psyche of the UK. So after being asked so many times my view I have finally come out and said it. I love being part of Great Britain, I love Wales, Scotland and although I’ve never been (yet) Northern Ireland. I am proud of our diversity as well as all our little island accomplished. I also of course love England. I genuinely wouldn’t want Scotland to go, but I can’t deny this whole thing has made me just a little bit less convinced we are better together, because the love feels a bit one way. So to my Scottish friends, I hope you get whatever result you want, but this effects more than just Scotland now. Whichever way it goes, you are still my friends. Let’s move forward and rebuild those bridges, that is what really matters.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 16:31:51 +0000

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