I have my vital breakthrus compiled neatly. I believe government - TopicsExpress


I have my vital breakthrus compiled neatly. I believe government should fund the Corporations that are working and engineering these products since cost of production would be too excessive. Its not the inventory that causes this but the energy expired through the research phase of it. I think my profits should already be determined and sent to me. -sEung b. kim By combinatory synthesis of two polar forces in which Depth through tidal motion causes a unity to outerplanets in which U = Uob (Z/H)a in which Uob is surface velocity, Z is depth, H the total of depth and also is a coefficient that ranges from 1/5 to 1/7 if matching combinatory sets are made between one triangular locality of Depth and Earths depth and if superconductor energy is transmitted between the two then it would allow for resource exchanges to take place in which Z Ü Z2 Σ Y = A sin 2pi (ft - x/d) + A sin 2pi (ft + x/d) > y = A sin (2pi*ft). In through this dynamic resource exchange is possible through polar adjustments so they are transported to the area where Tidal velocity causes most depth. Outerplanetary Resource Transportation - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2013 If a triangular frequency is made to travel at 180,000 mps and it enters the light ether based on the momentum that builds through triangular rotation of the frequency as non-Gaussian noise the build up by entering the light ether would transform into light where if these frequencies are centered on a coordinate from 3 different angles of 120 degs of separation then the concentration of these frequencies would cause an explosion to result from non-teleos..or frequency laser attack through suspension of space. This can only be done if the frequencies upon meeting each other gavalize against each other through disunity in Space. In which energy concentration causes a fragmentation of energies through chaos math in which particular energy runs on a tangent. If the energy is stabilized into a congealed form in which through fractal transformation it runs a tangent into non-gaussian Noise. *Earthquake in Midair, Man..* The frequency must rotate triangularly to create pressure through resistance and upon resistance the frequency sublimates into light ether energy that due to its accelerated force the emission does not travel a continuum of distance at a certain point but in fact leaps to fixed coordinates. Furthermore, if the frequencies are derivative of a main centrifugal force and the whole emission is unified systematically then the main centrifugal force can cause frequencies to converge into light ether energy by thermodynamic fushion so it can be used from any locality even a single locality. In which if the centrifugal point of convergence is made into a vortex form that fuses with turbulence signals that are detected by global matrix set readings in combinatory mathematics so that vetrice readings lead to specific turbulence readings than the system can automatically converge the centrifugal energy to specific turbulence to cause automatic destruction of air launch missiles. Except if access code entry prevents such a thing from happening by security relay to the main operating system. For galvanic frequencies to have a formidable effect upon galvanic pressure in the light ether where the frequencies accelerate by power gained through resistance into the speed of light thus causing light ether entry, the galvanic pressure must cause suspension or midair suspension to be suspended without animation in which the time that it remains suspended also causes the range and force of destruction. For the effect to be potent upon suspension of the vortex energy that causes an implosive buildup by using collodial buildup the energies of light in unification must be absorbed by the centre of the focused energy so that the effect is dynamic other than minimal. For volatility the unified and focused energies must resist the light ether causing inflammation of residing inert gases. Furthermore, upon the 3 way concentration of triangular frequency mergence the energies must form segment bonds and turn into fractal formation since fractals are chaos that runs in predictable patterns causing a trail that inflames light from the light ether in which it can only be made volatile through sudden, heavy non-Gaussian noise frequencies coupled with it in which intensification in the moment of fractal dispersion the intensification of the fractal mode (in which a fractal is chaos that operates in predictable patterns necessary to cause not only a strong effect but to cause paradox through contortion) would cause light from the ether to flare up in a large explosive effect. Upon the fractal transformation that causes a geometric constriction of the fractal frequence a spontaneous transistor boost in 1/4 seconds is required at maximum intensity to get the desired effect. Upon this the frequency wavelength width must be sharply narrowed with high fluctuation of y for minute x through compression.by narrowing frequency transmission until it becomes narrowed and compressed into a centre causing detonation in the Process. Now In order to create triangular rotation frequencies, frequency transmission must twist into circular analytic compression. In which the frequency upon compressed through Pi can be transmitted to heavy bodies so once it reaches a maximum speed it should achieve maximum speed and freeze in the object where if it transfixed into the location and congealed in that centre till it reaches maximum energy capacity for its limited diegesis then the frequency can be sent to any locality and cause an explosion..Earthquake in Midair Furthermore when the energy reaches a specific point based on coordinated location then if it suspended in space till it generates energy from the light ether than the result is an explosion. And this is done through coordinated triangular frequency relay. Upon the decimation point wave energy release must occur according to 1/2mc^2 = 1/2m(c - u)^2 + mgh to expell destructive energy. On final note when the frequency hits the centre of the target it must implode through an adjustment in the time-space curvature so it build energy from the light ether and as such Combusts since it tries to gather energy from the light ether. Triangular Frequency Laser - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2013 Now for the teleos laser if ds=Δt into Log. e then Log eÜLog cÜLog d + (x^2 * y^2 +P) would be the means by which to make precisioned effect where variable P causes frequency derision. where F = force * merging Point C is Tan X for Δ(x,y) Σ thru Fractal Energy as variable outside of x^2 + y^2 where e = limit inf. (1 + 1/n)^n. Where as such P is released as particular variable that outside of Bf(Tan X) -> Energy thru Elements of Tan e. Mathematics on the Teleos Laser -by Seung Bum Kim (C)opyright 2013 By making a quotient configuration that is proportionate to the product of the mass of origin with the mass of the object and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centres if the quotient manifests then this can be used as a means of targetting a mass body if it locks on upon finding the quotient of whatever value. In which V= 26,206[(c/r)^3 (cos2d +1/3) + 0.002598(c/r)^3 (5 cos 3 d+3 cos(d))] cm2/sec2. Upon which is an electromagnetic linked occurs between two masses where upon this mathematical configuration the unity of masses linked can cause an explosion suspended from distance of travel through depth velocity in the device itself directed to the coordinates of the found quotient. Now if the teleological connection device is made to connect through mass and the electromagnetic transfusion then by causing mass to generate in that specific part of the gun would also by its electromagnetic connection cause destructive energies to form if the mass in the gun is intensified. But the gun must also automatically respond and calibrate in connection to Mass so it apprehends the nearest object of sufficient mass. In which nevertheless the destruction of the object occurs through this connection or that there is no teleological distance in which the destructive energy travels. It forms kinetic resistance through the tension between the two separated masses where energy buildup must occur in the progression of Ockams razor since if it goes beyond its potential then it would cease to function. So it naturally leans on the closest mass as well as the most predominant mass in which upon generated energy if it causes a fissure to result the result also is an explosion. In which the central dynamic motor should cause collodial buildup of electromagnetic energy through the mentioned proportional measurements where the electromagnetic energy can collodially divide this way if the two objects are made to form derivative energy by its union by adding a mass absorption energy to the gun similar to osmosis since the detected mass itself self-generates through the delivered energies where due to the simultaneous polarity each mass repells against the other causing this collodial divide but the energies have a relative effect due to its unity through the continuum that exists in the electromagnetic energy. To the point gradual growth operates in the manner of Ockams Razor and upon exceeding this causes breakage by exceeding a resistance pressure. In which the derivative energy stems from the gun and the continuum between the two. Mass Explosion Device non-teleos -by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2013
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 08:56:32 +0000

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