I have never been under any illusion, about Islamic intentions for - TopicsExpress


I have never been under any illusion, about Islamic intentions for the Jews, and their beloved state. The State of Israel. Iran has threatened to wipe Israel off the map. ISIS is not afraid to issue threats about killing Jews. Realistically, Israel is more than capable of taking care of itself, but if the Obama administration wants to cut the Jewish state in half, (he does) that desire of his, presents a real security risk for the only homeland that the Jews have. Our president wants to reduce the state of Israel into a 9 mile wide corridor, and give historic Jewish lands to the Palestinians. The United Nations wants to do that too. If that should happen, the Palestinians would have no problem allowing ISIS to launch a war of annihilation from their new state. Palestine will be no friend of Israel. ISIS is a much more formidable adversary than the HAMAS fighters in Gaza. When ISIS comes to kill the Jews, the IDF will have to bring its A game. What will America do at that point? Will we have to bomb ISIS while it wages war from a new Palestine? There has never been a Palestinian state in all the annals of human history. Creating one now, would aid and abet the most virulent enemies of the Jewish state. It is essential that clear headed thinking gets applied here. Israel is our ally, but she is hated by the current regime in Washington. The president referred to Israels Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, as chickenshit. That is highly Insulting, but thats how he feels. Israels Prime Minister is trying to protect Israel, and our president is woefully ignorant of the highly charged, existential situation in the middle east. His push for a much diminished Jewish state, is a threat to Israels very existence. Can anything in this world make him care about that? Having a Muslim heart, in a Christian president, creates all kinds of complexities that ISIS is ready to exploit to the fullest. Prophecy must happen as it is written. The Jews will have their backs against the wall, and will be forced to call upon their Messiah, and He will come to their rescue. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 21:48:15 +0000

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