I have never felt anger as i feel it now i have never prayed for - TopicsExpress


I have never felt anger as i feel it now i have never prayed for the excruciating death of anyone until these days where death at the hands of Zionist murderers and their ISIS arab affiliates runs rampant and applauded But GOD IS GREAT and he sees all and forgets nothing. i pray for a death for these grisley sons of whores that is even more unimaginable than what they do to the innocent. i pray that a pain of such magnitude devours them slowly till each of them strives only to take their own life but is unable. Ya Allah i know that your mercy proceeds your anger, but in the name of your justice i beseech you to devastate these devils both here on earth and in the eternal hell fire. i beseech you in the name of Ali (as) that resides in the hearts of all those being slaughtered. wipe this cancer, Ya Allah, off the face of this planet. Return to us the Mahdi (afs) even if that meant that i have not done enough to enter heaven. i beg you to bring back to us the Mahdi and bring peace to the world.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 01:19:56 +0000

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