I have never felt heartache as I have for the past 5 days. - TopicsExpress


I have never felt heartache as I have for the past 5 days. Yesterday, as I watched my beloved son-in-law, Drexall Hawken carry the infant casket of my dear grandson, Jackie Hawken, down the hill of the cemetery for his tiny 7 pound body to be laid to rest, my heart ached so bad I thought it would explode. As I sit here reflecting on life and love and family, as well as death and eternity, I take great solace in the fact that Jesus Christ gave up everything to ensure that I could have eternity with Him and those whom I love dearly, including Jack. It is certainly not because I am good enough or because I have done anything at all to deserve this, but solely because He has paid the price for my sin penalty. It is not because I sin less than anyone else or because I go to church and do all the right things. Its not how many religious rituals I might keep or even because I dont do bad things. Its all because I have accepted the precious gift that God has offered to each and every one of us! PLEASE!! Dont trust in your own righteousness or Good works to get you into heaven!! If you were to compare every good thing you or I have ever done against Gods sinless perfection, we will ALWAYS come up short!! For ALL have sinned and fallen short of Gods glory therefore we ALL need a savior to rescue us from His wrath!! Jacks death has given me a platform to spread the Good News!! I have peace KNOWING that I will see Jack again one day and even though I wont get to spend time with him here on this earth, I will have ALL OF ETERNITY to get to know him. How do I know this for sure? Because the Bible tells me that I can know for sure that I will be with Jesus (and Jackie)......FOREVER! 1 John 5:13 (NASB) These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may KNOW that you have eternal life. Dont waste your life hoping and wishing you will be good enough to make it in when NO ONE is good enough!! God clearly tells us that you can KNOW for sure!! Just think about it, what kind of God would leave you guessing about eternity?! What kind of God would not let you know HOW you can know for sure you wont spend forever in hell?! No loving God would do that right?! Please take time to ponder this and read the Bible for yourself! Give Christ your all. After all, Hes already given you HIS all!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 21:40:21 +0000

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