I have never in my life been as lifted up as I am by this woman. - TopicsExpress


I have never in my life been as lifted up as I am by this woman. Her love sooths me, her words inspire me and her mentorship guides me. Thank you Patricia Belanger for being an angel on earth to me! These are the words she put out to the universe the day after our 1st annual fundraiser for Happiness Through Horses. This beautiful piece of writing brings tears to my eyes every time I read it......so with this I challenge you to go out and be what it is you were meant to be in the world! I attended Kim Swaneys, Happiness through Horses fundraiser last night. As I was watching Kim on the stage, I could not help but think back to the first time I met her. It was at one of Rose Chamberlains, Coffee and Connection event. She sat two seats over from me, wearing this baggy velvet top, over sized pants, not a stitch of makeup and her hair was in need of styling. She did speak about her multilevel business at the event but her eyes and body language were somewhat subdued and lacked enthusiasm. I remember watching Kim, all the while thinking to myself, I know there is a beautiful and amazing woman underneath those clothes and I am going to find her. And so the chase began as I called Kim a couple of times to try and get her to Patricias Big Closet. She was so polite and gracious on the phone, her excuses believable and I would have let it go but for a last minute emergency right before one of my Makeover Magic Shows. My main model had become ill and so I called Kim 4 days before the show and asked her if she would be willing to jump in and act as one of my models. Not only did she say yes but she re-arranged her busy schedule for a last minute fitting for the show. I remember the first time she walked out in front of the audience. They were mesmerized, not just by the clothes but by her incredible beauty that radiated and captivated the audience. I was totally impressed with her and thus began the first of many shows we would work on together. Spending hours choosing the wardrobe and accessories needed to create just the perfect look. While Kim’s physical transformation was amazing, that paled in comparison to the intellectual, spiritual and emotional change I was seeing in Kim. She was blossoming, gaining a new found confidence and strength that was inspiring and amazing to watch. The first time she told me about her dream to create a non-profit that would combine her love of horses and their unique ability to impact the lives of children, her eyes lit up. She talked so fast and with such conviction and enthusiasm I could not help but admire her. For she was now on a mission and one way or another, she was going to make it happen. While she was speaking on stage last night, I turned and looked at the audience, their eyes glued to Kim, her passion and emotion filling the room. And yes, like me, they had fallen in love with her. For she had done something truly amazing. Despite many, many obstacles, she had persevered. Her tenacity and unstoppable determination had taken her to the finish line. Her courage reminded me of a quote from one of my favorite books , Three Feet from Gold that says “Every defeat, every disappointment and every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.” Kim Swaney, you planted some amazing seeds last night. All of us are, so VERY proud of you!!!! The beautiful photo of Kim by the way is courtesy of Alex Embry of Photos by Alex.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 14:55:36 +0000

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