I have never met someone so alive and that made Pres death so much - TopicsExpress


I have never met someone so alive and that made Pres death so much harder to accept when Jon Fussner entered the Law Review office at 9 15 and told me the news. (I remember our exact conversation: Did you hear about Pre? I did. I was there. He smoked Frank. No. He died!). . . One of the two Pre movies was on TV this weekend and little Mac and i watched. But when Pre ran in front of the Hayward Field stands to finish that race--his last-- I had to shut it off. The camera was on the seat where I was sitting that afternoon; it felt eerie and way too real. . . That night of the race we gathered at Kenny Moores and I spoke to Pre for the first time and, incredible to this day, the last time. God, that boy burned--the last American runner willing to go into the crucible of the final 300 yards of a 5,000 meters. Ever since Pre we have conceded the races over 1500 meters. Pre conceded nothing. Ever. When he left, he took that attitude with him. It will be 39 years in just months and I still cannot see a photo of him without tearing up.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Feb 2014 21:32:06 +0000

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