I have never read Velocity. I cant really speak ill of it, because - TopicsExpress


I have never read Velocity. I cant really speak ill of it, because I have not read it. I chose not to read it because of my impression of who was publishing it, I did not have the confidence that it would be worth my time. It felt like a thinly veiled attempt to move in on the good work that was being done by a relatively new paper called the Leo. Recently Arron Yarmuth and partner(s) purchased the Leo newspaper and the transition so far has been painful. So poorly transitioned that I have not only considered not reading the paper, but to take up action in protest. Perception is everything. Some how someone has taken something I have been fairly apathetic about (but appreciative of) and mad me so up at arms I want to seek someone out I have never met and tell them they suck. Others have talked about physical acts of protest. People have crawled out of the walls because of how much their blood is boiling. Needless to say I am pretty amazed that I have been riled up so much. This ranks up there in my mind with the Firestone tire president doing his own commercial during the SAG strike that ended up causing more damage than spin control, because of how cold and heartless the president sounded. I have read comments directed at Aaron Yarmuth asking him how much he paid a PR firm to write his first post addressing the transition fiasco. Truth is no PR firm worth their salt would have published that writing. The writing is painfully muddled and constructed, plus it show a clear lack of understanding for the readers needs and a sensitivity of the topic addressed. I would say it was self serving except it seems to function as the opposite. It is possibly not the case, but the disaster of a transition (especially the needing to be elsewhere more important when the disaster unfolded) seems to indicate a lack of a cohesive transition team and a transition plan. Then to lose team players he was planning to retain again feels like he was under prepared. I feel like I have no confidence in the new owner and feel like he is ill equipped to weather this storm. My advice is for him to get very humble, publicly make a mends with his current and former staff even if they do not come back, and put his readers at least publicly as priority. If he cannot do this himself without making things worse and worse and worse, hire someone to speak and act for him. Without confidence in him and his staff, the Leo can publish all it wants, but it is gone already.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 18:58:20 +0000

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