I have no idea why I am still amazed by how people are. Its truly - TopicsExpress


I have no idea why I am still amazed by how people are. Its truly mind blowing how you can be there for someone, feed them, put a roof over their head, anytime they needed you, you were there, emotionally, financially, anything they needed was there to the best of my ability. We considered them family, have treated them like they were our kids. Have done without in order to support them. Yet, when the tables are turned and needed help with one thing, that is very important. I HAVE to have their help or I cant get it done, and its affecting us financially. Plus I needed a friend just to talk to. I cant even get a reply to messages, a call or anything. Guess that is all the answer I need really, when they cant even be bothered to reply to messages that is telling them I needed a friend, even just to ask if Im ok or some kind of explanation or anything. But, to know my messages were seen, cause HELLO Facebook shows you when the messages you sent have been seen. To be totally ignored hurts worse than anything, when they can posts new pictures and make comments and such on here. I just dont understand why we deserve to be treated how we have. That is what hurts the most. Guess I will never understand how people can be so callous and uncaring to the people that have stood by their side no matter what. Yet they can bend over backwards and help out people they barely know and or the people that have only used them and screwed them over. I guess its time to close another chapter in the book of my life and move on. Im learning slowly but surely if someone is not willing, to give the me the same respect as I have given them, then they are not worth me waisting anymore of my time or energy on them. Especially when we have given and done as much as we have for them. I just never expected the two people that have done this to be the ones that would. But, they always say its the ones you least expect, and the ones closest to you, that will hurt you the most. Well, wont happen again. My door is now closed to them. It hurts me to have to be like that cause I dont like to turn away from people I truly considered family, but I have to because its not a healthy relationship for me or my husband. Life goes on though, and just kinda needed to rant, lol. I dont think I ever have on here.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 15:22:40 +0000

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