I have no trust in this government any longer.. not after seeing - TopicsExpress


I have no trust in this government any longer.. not after seeing even the medical field is apparently corrupt . The information Ive gotten from world renowned Dr. David Brownstein (Holistic doctor) was astounding. The FDA is controlled by the government obviously, and they have lied about so much, such as what is and what isnt healthy for you. They also control the Medical field, they are in charge of what traditional doctors (who attend medical schools run by the GOVT) learn in their curriculum. Things that our Lovely government want everyone to think is accurate when in reality its all a hoax. Think of it this way, cancer has INCREASED and hardly any forms of cancer have decreased, and there are multiple things that go into being diagnosed with cancer. Im talking about things as simple as table salt, deodorant, bread, the LACK of vitamins, and the consumption of Inorganic foods. Whose to blame for all of this shit polluting our bodies? The FDA and in extension, the government itself. Its time for this country to wake up... Basically what I am saying is, Murder is Illegal, but a silent killer is not... especially when that silent killer is your own country, who decides what is and isnt Illegal to begin with. Lastly, If you think about it, every facet of our lives involves the government, even the cosmetics I buy, and the water you drink. Its easy to see with blind eyes than it is to stare right at the facts. Go do your homework children, when you put the puzzle pieces together, you will realize the trouble were in.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 20:00:24 +0000

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