I have not been in Mauritius in the early seventies when Berenger - TopicsExpress


I have not been in Mauritius in the early seventies when Berenger started his political journey.. but have followed his parcours politique very closely..... My opinion then on Berenger was that he did higher studies in DIVIDE AND RULE TECHNOLOGY and after which he earned so lavishly his living, and subsisted on Check off money instead of a salary after a month of hard labour which we normally benefit... To give the devil his due, i admit that he successfully enhanced the situations of the working class and condoned some of the means he used to achieve his goals. I know also that Berenger after the formation of the MMM became a political leader who successfully cropped together a huge section of the population BUT the more popularity he gained, the lesser he believed in his capacity to head the flock. Inspite of the quasi acceptation of the ENE SEL LEPEP ENE SEL NATION concept which made the first 60/0 which was plebiscited in the 1982 polls, he did not believe that he could be the First man. Would a multi ethic Mauritius accept him, as a member of a meagre minority as PM? He was sceptic about that.... was it a blessing that he thought like wise? In a nutshell, he not only underestimated the sucess of the MMM but also started to put into practice a particular manner of doing politics....like push someone else in the forefront and dictate the same persons with his navigating itinerary... the blessing for mauritius is that it never worked, has not worked and should NEVER work... the three captains he chose namely Sir Aneerood Jugnauth, Prem Babasingh, Navin Ramgoolam have all at a point in time, whenever in Alliance with Berengers MMM unveiled his agendas and booted him out of their successive Govts and all the time with reason.. and all the time that process was good for the country..... that allowed SAJ to engineer the future of Mauritius towards better days without Berenger and his MMM. To take his revenge, as Berenger sucessfully ousted SAJ and put Navin Ramgoolam on the throne but the latter did not spare him when he found that with Berenger, chasser le naturel, il revient au galop, Le syndicalist Berenger recyclant en politicien ambitieux mais comment complexer devient un exemple encore plus un prohete de destabilisateur politique.... il change de cap et commence a diviser ...pour reigner... les diverses centres culturels il pratique lethnopolitique, devient un expert en semant la zizanie, il oublie le prolerariat, le socialisme que le MMM pronait jadis, lesprit de rassembleur, devient le grand protecteur de lolligarchie et laisse ses militants coltar cloues sur un coltar qui nas jamais refroidi, De la meme facon quil delaisse son peugeot et son jacket en cuir pour son Berlin il delaisse les coltars pour caresser la haute bourgeoisie dans le sens du poil... Tantot il seffonce pour postuler comme le maitre a bord mais a chaque fois il echoue .... trop tard car ses masques sont deja tombes malgre les changements colorials de ces meme masques. I continue a refiechir aux moyen to quench his thirst for power and Resistance et Alternative le donne le serum dont il manquait.. LA REFORME... le semblant dunir un peuple qui se mature au fur et amesure grace a une jeunesse qui ne cesse depanouir et qui se dirige SANS lapport de Berenger lui meme. Quelque soit les retombes du projet de loi en cours je suis certains que le pays en sortira gagnant, pas Berenger... Lille Maurice peut sen passer dune reforme dans le fond, le mini amendement neest pas le dada de Berenger pour quil se bat de la facon quil le fait sous le regard parfois narquois dun Ramgoolam en perte de vitesse, dont les jours sonts comptes comme PM pas seulment a cause de son faire semblent detre le grand rassembleur prodige mais aussi pou avoir mené le pays la ou il se trouve, au bord dune précipice avec un economie qui stagne, a degrading law and order situation, the rising of poverty, unemployment, une jeunesse frustrée, une gourmandise gradissante des protegés, une nepotisme qui saccentue de jour en jour et jen passe.... Vous avez bien dit Monsieur le PM ...je vous cite ena lezot kitsoz pou fer dans la vie apart la politik, moi osi mo bizin congéeoq........ allez y Monsieur le PM dissolve the parliament and ... PREND OU CONGER... Et demande de votre coté a ce Monsieur Berenger de vous tenir compagnie ... faite foi de ce chemistry qui existe entre vous deux... alliancez vous jusqua ce que la fin naturel vous separe.... notre jeunesse a besoin de repirer de vivre... la jeunesse demande a un sage de le sauver, la jeunesse demande a Sir Aneerood Jugnauth de le sauver et de remettre lIlle Maurice sur les rails de la prosperité................ sans rancoeur ni amertume.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 07:09:59 +0000

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