I have not really voiced any sort of opinion over the issue in - TopicsExpress


I have not really voiced any sort of opinion over the issue in Ferguson, nor am I qualified to make one as I am so far removed from the situation, but I have been watching some of the coverage as well as reading some articles and this is the one that I wanted to share. I like this video because, in my opinion, the only way to get more people to listen to a cause, is to put those people in your shoes. Killer Mikes point about the inevitable future of America for all races should be enough for more people to listen, even if they listen with selfish ears, hoping they dont one day become a victim to discrimination. I do feel there is still way too much discrimination and prejudice in the world (mostly geared towards non-white folk) and maybe mind sets like this will help to alleviate the prejudice that comes from these figures of authority. In the end, it is important that we dont further separate ourselves via race, so we can end this battle on discrimination, no matter the colour of our skin. I do however, fear that this battle is being lost because sides are being chosen as to which race receives this discrimination (not always to put people down, but sometimes point out wrong doings or advantages that one race has over the next), rather than reiterating the point that we are all people, cut from the earth, who deserve fair treatment and to be validated as human beings. Yes there is a crazy amount of inequality going on, but this will not change if all we are doing is pointing fingers or claiming that others dont deserve what they have or that they have not earned what they have because of their race. We need to all think more like Killer Mike and focus on building a safe environment and future for everyone, stripping away the racial division. We need to work together to help each other and look at the character of a person before passing judgement and not let the cover of the book sway our opinions. I experience the same harshness delivered by the tax man, the same bad looks if I swear in public or dress a certain way, the same motivation, the same lack of motivation, the same love and support, the same dislike, I have been bullied or overlooked for physical appearance, I have bullied or overlooked due to physical appearance, I have many insecurities, I am not always received how I perceive myself, I do not always receive others as they wish to be perceived, Ive hated some jobs, but needed them to get by, I love my current job, which helps me (more than) get by, I work hard at what I love, I appreciate the fact that my skin tone does not appear threatening, I dont appreciate the fact that my complexion and hair colour allowed me to receive threats or aggression, I feel a full spectrum of emotions at times and feel gifted with the ability to express these through words and art, I feel numb and emotionless at times and hope its just a passing phase, I have good days, I have bad days, I jump to conclusions, I sit on the fence, I fall in love easily, I dont know how to give love, I waste a lot of time, sometimes I make good use of my time, I have strong opinions, I have opinions that dont matter, I have concrete beliefs that feel like they will never change, I agree easy and hate to disappoint, I am shy when uncomfortable, I am outgoing when comfortable, I want everybody to be happy, I sometimes only care about myself, I hate confrontation, I do many, many things and I feel many, many things because I AM HUMAN. My point is that, I do not understand the pain that those of a different race might feel, but I do know what any human might feel and because of this, I wish for us all to be treated equally and fairly, no matter what race/ethnicity/gender we are and hope that one day these racial divisions will no longer guide our judgement and treatment of others. Thanks for reading if you did. I welcome responses, but only if they are respectful, whether agreeing, expanding, or debating my thoughts
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 15:46:59 +0000

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