I have noticed this lately, people are feeling blue. Esp the last - TopicsExpress


I have noticed this lately, people are feeling blue. Esp the last couple of weeks, On Fb, I have a lot of friends that fight inner demons and have for life, people going thru hell right now. I have friends who normally are happy who get down, ones that are going thru a lot of different things in a lot of different ways. Some go through it silently, some are really open, some of things they are going through are heavy , some mild , some light. Life can be like hot sauce like that right? LOL. The truth is no matter what you are going through in your life, you will never get all the answers as to why. And sometimes there is no reason, or all the reasons in the world as to why you feel like you do at times, I am like that too, The truth is you can over turn every rock on this earth and never get all the answers, and you can still look for them even though in your heart you know they are not there ; been there, done that. And you know what? Thats ok. All that means is your looking for something, some purpose. The only thing wrong with you or me is we are human, and sometimes we feel like we are lacking something, or lost something, or we do not know what our purpose is, what we are suppose to do in life, or where we are suppose to turn. Look in your heart rather than under that rock, Look at your own soul, and look to others. I am a firm firm believer healing yourself starts with compassion. Thats not a political statement, its a statement of being human. Everybody needs somebody to listen care and show compassion and love. I have been doing this for about two years, and started this page 6 months or so ago. The reason? A need in my heart, because I personally found out caring for others works for me so much better than self pity, Making someone smile and feeling cared about helps melt your own self doubt and feeling of what yourself is worth grow. And we all have worth.In a lot of ways the idea of this page is to lift others spirits, because I know personally what its like to have all these questions about life. Sometimes I ask why do I bother? I asked Shelly yesterday if she saw the change in me because I am not always sure she does, But in the end, really it doesnt matter, because its my need, its what I ( personally) feel a need to do, and I see it, because I feel it, So I am pretty sure she sees it,< (That would be that lttle thing we call self doubt and we all have that) . In my heart, I believe what I preach, the things I say to be true, I think I can be a better me, and I am a work in progress, we all are. So those who know me, this is the new me, I live this, not always perfect, not always worded right, not always right in my life, but the truth is I dont need to be perfect to care . And I do, I just have to know, we all need to know, the best thing on this earth, the answer to what we overturn rocks for endlessly is not under a rock, its not in what others see in you, its in your heart and in your soul. You just have to be ok that its ok not to have all the answers. Its ok somedays you are a complete asshole, because you have this whole other often over looked side of yourself , the heart and soul to care, The rest is emotions, they do not define you, Who you are, what you do from the heart and soul. thats your definition of self. Thats who you are truely. The rest is human nature. That does not define you, to me what defines you is Heart and Soul. Thats where you get give and feel love for yourself and others, open it up, thats the best part of life, its what makes you you and me me.The other crap, the bad crap we do and feel? Thats because your only human, but I love you all anyway,,I am the same way :) youtu.be/u9O5V-P8ygU youtu.be/w4ICBrhQ-c0
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 08:38:17 +0000

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