I have one HUGE testimony and praise report I would love to - TopicsExpress


I have one HUGE testimony and praise report I would love to share.. So no one knew this of course besides my sweet hubby- but at my last appt with my female dr.. because of past family history with women in my family and my grandmother having ovarian and breast cancer, my dr wanted me to do the BRCA 1 AND 2 test.. For those who dont know what this is- its the test that checks to see if you carry the genes that they have found cause these 2 types of cancer (Its the test Angelina Jolie had) The first praise report of this is the test is thousands of dollars.. your insurance company they told me usually will pay some if they believe you are a candidate but you usually have to pay at least a couple thousand yourself.. my insurance company paid it all!!! Then she prepared me saying IF anyones ever comes back with a positive carrying the gene your chances are so extremely high that we will strongly suggest you have a hysterectomy or double mastectomy... Huge thing to hear... I started praying... and praying.. and I meditated on Gods Promises that He would restore EVERY cell of my body to perfect health! I pleaded the blood line and declared victory because of the power of the blood of Jesus over my life.. Every generational curse was cancelled because my Jesus already bore it on the Cross- By His Stripes I AM HEALED.. I stood on that promise.. I received my report today.. praise Jesus.. double negative.. zero detection of either genetic gene. To God Be the Glory!!! My Jesus Lives!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 23:52:41 +0000

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