I have only a little hope for the human race, in general, but that - TopicsExpress


I have only a little hope for the human race, in general, but that little bit is enough. It keeps me doing what I do, and helping when I can in the hopes that others might do the same. That little bit of hope helps me see the positives in life, rather than focusing on what a plague mankind has become. Were a threat to our own existence and to the world as a whole. Without the hope that things will get better, Id probably be trying to figure the best way to stop this disease known as mankind. We live in fear of one another, attacking others who have what we want or who we think may attack us. Those in power would have you believe that thats exactly how people on the other side of those invisible lines called borders think. Its not, though. If you talked to most people around the world, all they want is to be left in peace, to live their lives freely, safe from harm. A majority of the people I met in Iraq had no desire to see anyone destroyed, or have their way of thinking dominate the world. Theyre just people living their lives. Most that I talked to practiced their religion much in the same way Americans do...they follow a certain doctrine very loosely. I cant count how many times Ive seen people in America claim to be god-fearing Christians who love Jesus with all their heart, yet continuously disregard their faith either by judging others, cheating on their spouses, or any other number of things. Not everyone who is different is an extremist in their differences. But people are too wrapped up in their own little worlds to see the world as a whole. They cling to their religion, their political party, their nationality, their gender, orientation, and skin color. Theyre so busy trying to separate themselves from others that they become the cancerous cells that are killing the whole body. Individuality is one thing...separation through differences is another. Individuals can all get along in the understanding that each individual is equal to the next. People who put themselves apart from others based on their differences often attempt to elevate their differences above the rest, assuming that what makes them different also makes them better. Stop being the disease of humanity and try being the healthy cells that make up the whole.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 00:43:29 +0000

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