I have passed the page tells Gog & Magog opinion is confined - TopicsExpress


I have passed the page tells Gog & Magog opinion is confined within the walls of the supernatural. The story is very interesting and like Superman story. But this does not make sense when compared to the story in the Quran, which tells of a wall made human than piece of iron and molten. Those who seek to make the wall is human. Have any strange man calling to make invisible walls? How about helping people get lumps of molten metal and the occult? Description and explanation unbelievable, and this involves a question of faith because God has given clear evidence in the Quran. The article even admits Gog & Magog are human, but believe when asked to state this unseen mandatory diimani. The question is since when Islam demands faith in the invisible man? Did humans are not included in the supernatural? You think of yourself reasonableness of this article and the methods of their interpretation. Reasonable interpretation is that the entire enemy and the evil in the Quran is the common man. The more plausible alternative explanation is based on the interpretation of the book An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern World. References and additional understanding can be obtained from books Surah Al-Kahf and the Modern Age. Below is a summary of the book include evidence Quran, Hadith, as well as other references. You can refer to the books and study for a detailed description, or participate in the forum imranhosein.org/ writer to express objections or ideas. Question 1: Whether Gog & Magog wall blocking open? Wall of Gog & Magog restrict people have long been open when the Jews returned to the Bait al-Maqdis (Jerusalem) and formed the State of Israel in 1948, God has testified under to justify the return of Jews to the Bait al-Maqdis: - ... A ban on any population which We have destroyed: that they will not return to when the open wall Gog & Magog blocking, and they swarm from every high place ...; al-Anbiya : 95-96 Population is meant the Jews, the state is the Bait al-Maqdis, Gog & Magog is Jewish (Khazar), and swarm from every high place means Gog & Ma juj dominate and conquer all aspects of governance of the world powers. God even says impossible for the Jews to return to the Bait al-Maqdis, except when Gog & Magog block wall open and they have power. Jews have long to return to Bait al-Maqdis and formed state of Israel in 1948, so what is the explanation of their return to the Bait al-Maqdis? This means that the walls were open and Gog & Magog has long dominated the government. Jews returned through the agenda Khazar tribes, the Zionist Jews who control the world today and is described in the Surah al-Kahf as the Gog & Magog. They even can be considered to dominate the world today because no country is able to prevent them from destroying Palestine. Facts supporting the allegations Gog & Magog wall has long been open is based on the testimony of Allah below: ... So ... they can not dig ...; al-Kahf: 97 Signs that they are not able to pierce the wall. For thousands of years God kept the wall, and no one creature in the entire universe can punch wall except with the consent of Allah, when Allah swt allow Gog and Magog are released. Otherwise mentioned in Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim that the Prophet said: It opened up today and Ma`juj Ya`juj wall of (the hole) this. Prophet make a circle with two fingers, thumb and forefinger. (HR. Zainab Al-Bukhari from Bintu Jahsh radi anha). What is the purpose of the hadith when read in conjunction with verse 97 of Surat al-Kahf, Gog & Magog stating not to dig? This proves that God has delivered them to the fact they prove hollow wall had punched the wall. Walls will not be hollow if not bored! The facts prove hollow wall Gog & Magog are released during the life of the Prophet in Medina, after God changed orientation towards Kabbah in Rajab 2 AH (624 AD). Persons Gog & Magog still hold is released after the Antichrist will continue to wait until the earth is destroyed and resurrection, and Gog & Magog will not come visit. They should rethink their beliefs conflict with the Quran and ask themselves the answer to the question below: (A) explain the return of the Jews to the Bait al-Maqdis and formed the nation of Israel in 1948 (al-Anbiya : 95-96), and (B) Prophet Muhammad said that the walls were hollow, which was successfully drilled (al-Kahf: 97). (C) Why is there a proper factual accuracy linking the Koran to the history of the Jewish Khazars? Realize that intrigue theoretically irregular and constantly changing, while the truth is actually much brighter and still not changing. Question 2: Gog & Magog either man? An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern World: Chapter 4 Jews have returned to the Bait al-Maqdis, but do you see any giants Gog Magog roam much? Certainly not because of Gog & Magog are human. God guided Gog & Magog know. This is explained in Surah al-Kahf: ... Then it turned back by a different route. Until, when he reached between two mountains, he found, beneath them, a people who almost can not comprehend the words. They said: O Zul surely Gog and Magog make mischief in the land; by So may we pay thee that thou mightest erect a barrier between us and them? He said: (The power) in which my Lord has established me is better (than tribute); So help me with strength I will erect between you and them a barrier. Bring me blocks of iron ; until when he had filled up the space between the two mountain, he commanded them to burn it by saying: Blow your device until when he had made it red as fire, he said: Bring me molten copper to pour over it . So they can not climb the wall, and they also can not dig. (After that) he said: This is a mercy from my Lord; in the meantime, when the promise of my Lord, He will make it into dust, and the promise of my Lord is true ...; al-Kahf: 92-98 Gog & Magog are human 1 Wall of man-made just for men. ... A barrier between us and them ...; al-Kahf: 97 They are asking for help is a human being, and to separate between man and man (the Gog & Magog). So if they jin, why should there have to climb walls or walls and punching? Are not they can continue to run through the walls made by man? This is because the jinn and angels can not be prevented because it can penetrate walls made man. 2 The act of corrupting or facade to humans. ... Surely Gog and Magog make mischief in the land ...; al-Kahf: 94 ... The recompense of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive after corruption in the land ...; al-Maida: 33 Damage or facade is the act of the people, and Surah al-Kahf said damage done to humans. People have the freedom to make choices and be held responsible for the facade done. Jin has the freedom to make choices, but supernatural beings could not be identified as being guilty of the facade. Gog & Magog 3 of the human lineage. From Abu Said Al-Khudri that the Messenger. He said, O Adam, stand up and remove the Fire. Adam said, Labbaik, wa sadaik, all goodness is in thy power. My God, how the Hell? He answered, For every one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine. ... Abu Said said that they said, Who among us who are these people? The Prophet answered. Nine hundred and ninety-nine, Gog and Magog, whereas only one of you (Bukhari, Muslim and Ahmad) Gog & Magog from his progeny, from the descendants of Noahs son named Yafis and migrated northward to Europe and South Russia after a flood cleaning. Sons of Sam revolve around the earth, forming Canaan and the surrounding Arab nations. The sons of Ham were migrated to Africa and formed the African nation. Therefore if a person is descended from the Prophet, he was always human and can even be descended from noble and good. Therefore, Gog & Magog munasbah state supernatural beings (spirits?) But the origin of the prophets. Gog & Magog 4 included in the Fire ... Has proved true from Me: Verily! I will fill hell with the jinn and mankind ... ; As-Sajdah: 13 Gog & Magog are creatures can be checked to go to hell or heaven. But they inserted into hell. There were two occupants of hell, a jinn or human. Gog & Magog descendant of Adam and therefore they are not spirits. This proves that they are human beings like us.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 20:00:40 +0000

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