I have posed the following question in the online forum for this - TopicsExpress


I have posed the following question in the online forum for this class: If we believe Jesus is God how does that impact our quest for the historical Jesus? by Daniel Grebow - Friday, June 27, 2014, 12:53 PM (253 words)... So Im just going to put these questions out here because they might also be on some of the other students minds... We are seeking to learn more about the historical Jesus, but if we believe Jesus is God, then couldnt Jesus actions and behaviors transcend what we might expect from him from the historical context? And if thats the case, couldnt reading Jesus in historical context lead us astray? Yes, hes speaking to the people of his time, but hes also speaking to us, right? The criterion of difference neglects all that Jesus has in common with Judaism, as though—in contrast to other men—he could not be understood from his historical environment. The criterion of originality (another name used for the criterion of difference) is dogma in disguise; Jesus seems to drop directly from heaven (137). If we believe Jesus is God, then couldnt he really drop directly from heaven as Theissen puts it? Why not? Another quote and another question: Here we come up against the basic problem of interpretation: Jesus did not want to found a Christian community—he wanted to renew Israel (92). But if Jesus wanted to renew Israel in this way and not start a Christian community as we see it, then did he fail to accomplish what he intended? Was he wrong? I have only read through p. 137 of Theissen and up to page 7 of the handouts, but I thought I would post some thoughts and tough questions now while they are on my mind. All in all, quite intriguing so far!! Best, Dan
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 20:00:02 +0000

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