I have pretty much stayed out of the ObamaCare debate, partly - TopicsExpress


I have pretty much stayed out of the ObamaCare debate, partly because I have health insurance through my union that doesnt cost me anything and partly because a lot of my friends here have been posting how it has helped them. But deep down inside me I have this gut feeling that it will ultimately be disastrous, just like every other government plan to help the people. Our government is already on the road to bankruptcy (in actual fact we are ALREADY bankrupt, but for some strange reason the world seems to keep being willing to loan us more money) and the ACA will hasten that journey. It may actually get more people insured and dramatically lower premiums for many, but it will no doubt add a huge amount to our growing deficit. Here is a quote from commentator Norman Soloman: The problems with Obamacare involve far more than simply bad website coding. They’re bound up in the enormous complexity of the law’s design, wrapped around a huge corporate steeplechase for maximizing profits. As a Maine physician, Philip Caper, wrote this fall, the ACA “is far too complicated and therefore too expensive to manage, full of holes, will be applied unevenly and unfairly, be full of unintended consequences, and be easily exploited by those looking to make a quick buck.” The ACA is so complicated because it has been so relentlessly written for the benefit of — and largely written by — insurance companies. So like many government plans, the primary beneficiaries will be certain special interest groups and ultimately the nation as a whole will suffer for it. I know our healthcare system in this country was pretty messed up and something needed to change, but I think the ACA was not the right answer. And I have heard that it was only intended as a stepping stone to a more socialized healthcare system such as single payer or completely socialized medicine. Actually, I think those options would have been better than the ACA as costs would have been better controlled… maybe. But ultimately, I think that if the government had never stuck its nose into the healthcare field in the first place, we would all be a lot better off. Probably the single most detrimental thing our government ever did to the healthcare system, long prior to the ACA, was making health insurance provided by an employer NOT count as income for the employee, but be tax deductible for the employer. That resulted in the biggest distortion ever of the whole field.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 14:44:14 +0000

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